DSIGNER 2022.0 R2
Explore the key features of DESIGNER 2022.0 R2
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DESIGNER 2022.0 R2, the latest release of Hexagon’s CAD for CAM application for smarter manufacturing, features several new enhancements:
General improvements
DESIGNER 2022.0 R2 features new user interface enhancements to improve interactions with every command and to the macros so that they are even more user-friendly. All these developments have been implemented to optimise the process workflow and the user experience, bringing additional benefits such as process automation, standards definition and ease of use.
Modelling and surfaces
Extra tools have been added in DESIGNER 2022.0 R2 to expand the modelling capabilities and performance. The usability workflow has been optimised, improving time reduction when performing modelling tasks to prepare parts for manufacturing. These enhancements enable users to set up any part quickly and easily, resolving many issues previously difficult to achieve or requiring multiple data exchange with other applications. The surface module offers the ideal tools for editing and preparing complex freeform geometry for advanced manufacturing.
DESIGNER 2022.0 R2 continues the tradition of bringing updated format support and continued enhancements and fixes to further improve the robustness and performance of 3D modelling and interoperability. The component that provides the appropriate ‘converters’ for the different CAD formats is improved. Additional file formats have been added to extend synergies with other products from the Hexagon production software portfolio. As a standard practice, all the translators have been updated to guarantee the highest possible level of compatibility with other systems.
DESIGNER 2022.0 R2 features improvements to the reverse engineering module, REcreate, which have been designed to simplify use of the software as well as reducing the need for extra clicks for overall productivity improvements. The solution provides powerful tools to quickly create valid models and features, offering a massive reduction in time and effort. The functionality in REcreate lends itself to various applications across different industry verticals, as well as offering enhanced technology and synergies with other Hexagon products.
Continuous enhancements to the electrode module in DESIGNER 2022.0 R2 make this functionality more powerful and intuitive. The management of the process direction has been improved to make it easy to use and customise the process direction of electrodes. This implementation offers users a complete solution for electrode design that now also includes simulation/check collision and measuring information for the CMM.
Sheet metal
The sheet metal module offers a flexible database for materials and bending data. This database, fully linked to Metrology Asset Manager, allows the user to describe the bending parameters in a way that suits their way of working. The benefits are a high level of automation and full control over the accuracy of the unfold calculations. Many of the existing functions have an improved and unified user experience, shortening the learning curve. New commands enhance the engineering of the part and allow users to spot problems on the unfold in advance, ensuring smooth execution of further manufacturing activities.
DESIGNER 2022.0 R2 videos
Advanced Selection
Improvements have been made to element and face selection in this release. Users now have better control while filtering and selecting, and can select elements by name and partial name, by part properties, by geometry properties such as volume and much more. Face selection has been enhanced to enable Users to select similar faces on all bodies in the model.
Direct Editing
Users can now make changes to models without running any commands at all. Simply click on a face to change the blend radius or chamfer size, or select an edge or wireframe element to change the length. This enables fast modifications for speedy modelling.
Undo History Editing
The Undo History is now saved with the file and is editable. This gives the opportunity to edit previously created features and operations without having to remodel the part or start from scratch. This speeds up the modelling process, reducing the need for extra, unnecessary operations.
Connection with ESPRIT
DESIGNER and ESPRIT are now connected applications. ESPRIT can read native DESIGNER files and DESIGNER can send models directly to ESPRIT using the Send to CAM function. If a DESIGNER file that's been opened in ESPRIT is modified, the model can be updated rather than reloaded. ESPRIT mouse controls can be set in DESIGNER to improve the transition when working with both applications.
REcreate - Align
Improvements have been made to the align command to enable much more control when aligning elements. Users can now use wireframe elements, cylinders and workplanes to aid the alignment process, as well as performing a simple best-fit to improve an existing alignment.
REcreate - Mesh Features
The new Mesh Features command automatically recognises features on a mesh. Either create solids and surfaces directly using this command, or split the mesh into its individual features for downstream solid and surface creation.
REcreate - Compare & Validate
The Compare cloud/mesh command has been improved, Users can now see the standard deviation of the results in the on screen colour bar. In addition, the comparison function has been added to the geometry from mesh commands, such as plane, cylinder, cone from mesh etc. and also the mesh to surface command. This ensures surfaces are created within tolerance, on creation for faster and more accurate results.
Electrode - Simulation
Enhancements have been made to the simulation tools in the electrode module. It is now quick and easy to define custom process directions, and to simulate to ensure there are no collisions.
Sheet Metal - Corner Reliefs
The corner relief functions in DESIGNER have been consolidated and made more powerful and easy to use. The addition of a 'Square' option completes the line-up and produces a perfect square in the unfolded part.
Sheet Metal - Bend Relief
When adding bends, DESIGNER will automatically add a bend relief when needed. This makes the process of adding a new flange easy and quick.
Sheet Metal - Material Forms
DESIGNER allows the user to specify the 'Material Form' of a part - i.e. what the part is going to be made out of. This separates the sheet metal parts from the tubes and bars and from the purchased parts. Subsequent automatic processes such as unfolding will then only be applied to the relevant parts. When using Send to CAM, only sheet metal parts will be sent to RADAN for nesting and using the new Send to Radtube, only tubes and bars will be sent to Radtube for processing.