Explore the key features of DESIGNER 2022.0
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DESIGNER 2022.0 videos
Command Pre-sets
Save any number of pre-set values in commands. This improves efficiency when working with different sets of values as it is now possible to quickly switch between numerous saved pre-sets.
Repeat on Element
This new function provides the ability to cleverly place elements along an edge or curve. This enhancement makes it quick and easy to create designs with repetitive 3D features.
Macros & Automation
The usability of macros for automation has been improved: Improved feedback when a macro errors; the ability to create custom commands which can interrupt the automatic execution of a macro to display a dialog to ask for user inputs.
Surfaces - Large Offset
It is now possible to create single approximated surface offsets from solid or surface models. This is useful when offsets are too large, or parts too complex for precise offset calculations. These surfaces can be used for machining or creating cast models which will require finish machining.
Surfaces – Bend Relief
It is now possible to reduce, remove and modify large, complex bends in order to compensate for pressed part defects.
Surfaces – Cavity & Core
It is now possible to split parts into their cavity and core components to prepare a part for machining.
Surfaces - Parting & Split plane
It is now possible to create tangent parting and horizontal split surfaces from a surface model. This function enables the creation of complex run-off surfaces in a single operation.
Surfaces – Lofted Enhancements
Improvements have been made to the Auto-constrained command for creating lofted surfaces from sections. Validate, repoint, and remove sharp corners during the creation of surfaces to ensure quality results
REcreate – One-Click Surface
This new function automatically creates freeform solid or surface models from meshes
REcreate – Bridge Gaps
Enhancements to the fill mesh gaps command enable tangential bridging of large or open holes. This function makes it quick and easy to accurately fill large holes or gaps in mesh models which is a key part of the reverse engineering process.
REcreate – Align by Points
The enhancements to the align command include: The addition of linking and unlinking views, improved selection and removal of pairs of points. This improved function makes it easier than ever to align challenging datasets.
REcreate – Mesh to Cloud
This new command converts a mesh model into a randomised point cloud. This function proves invaluable when provided with poor quality mesh data. Rather than start the laborious process of fixing all the problems, regenerate a cloud and create a new mesh in DESIGNER, this will alleviate any issues and remove the need for manual fixing.
Electrode Design – Process Direction
The enhanced Define electrode command can define custom process directions during electrode creation. This speeds up electrode creation, reducing subsequent, manual steps. The new method is now more intuitive as it requires fewer user inputs and is more automatic.
Sheet Metal - Material & Bending Data
DESIGNER now features a comprehensive database for materials and bending data, hosted on our cloud platform Nexus.
Sheet Metal – Bends & Corners
DESIGNER for sheet metal makes dealing with corners and bends flexible and fast.
Sheet Metal – 2D Drawing
In the new version of DESIGNER, the 2D drawing can now contain the details of the bends on the parts.