Accesorii CMM
Mașini de măsurat în coordonate, produse software, sisteme de palpatoare – cercul se închide cu gama largă de accesorii, care ușurează în mod semnificativ măsurarea tridimensională. Aceste produse suplimentare oferă rezultate și mai precise, furnizate chiar mai rapid, sau extind posibilele aplicații ale sistemului de măsurare.
Explorați accesoriile pentru CMM-uri
Accesoriile CMM pot asigura rezultate de măsurare precise, pot crește randamentul și pot extinde potențialul de aplicații al sistemelor.

Cerere De Produs
Fixturing systems that allow for maximum access to the part that is required to be measured, and hold the part securely.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution of inspection part program
I/O Flow Manager is the integration solution for installing CMMs into a production cell.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution of workflow
PULSE is the user-friendly solution for connecting and monitoring your CMM.
×Partial autonomyAutomated collection of sensor data
Precision rotary tables with mechanical bearings and accuracy of ± 1-arc seconds for CMM applications.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution of inspection part program
Parts such as crankshafts and blisks can be measured easily and with confidence by using a Leitz rotary table.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution of inspection part program
Swift-Fix makes it simple to build and use metrology fixtures that facilitate fast, accurate part measurement.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution of inspection part program
TEMPO increases throughput with cost-effective and easy-to-use automated part loading
×Conditional autonomyContinuous execution and analysis of part program