Soluții de scanare cu laser tracker
Un standard pe termen lung în sectorul metrologiei industriale: Sistemele laser tracker sunt ideale când vine vorba de precizie, fiabilitate și durabilitate a mașinilor portabile de măsurat în coordonate.
Cerere De Produs
The Leica Absolute Tracker AT960 is a robust, all-in-one laser tracker that fits in a single flight case.
×Human-Assisted autonomyAutomated analysis of inspection task
The Leica Absolute Tracker AT930 provides high-speed dynamic measurement capabilities that set it apart from the competition.
×Human-Assisted autonomyAutomated analysis of inspection task
The first direct scanning laser tracker brings metrology-grade accuracy to ultra-long-distance contactless 3D measurement.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of inspection part program
Sistemele robotizate de măsurare și control bazate pe laser tracker aduc precizie de nivel metrologic în producția inteligentă.
×Conditional autonomyAutomatizare continuă, execuție și analiză a programului de verificare a pieselor
WRTL enables the Absolute Tracker AT960 and Absolute Scanner AS1 to be used with no need for a cable connection.
×Conditional autonomyThe introduction of the WRTL makes it possible to mount both tracker and robot-mounted scanner on AMR or AGV systems.
The Leica T-Mac machine control sensor is a 6DoF tracking device for laser tracker guided automation applications
×Conditional autonomyContinuous automation, execution and analysis of inspection part program