





Hexagon のマルチフィジックス製品ラインアップは、最先端の物理学に基づくシミュレーション技術を活用して、現実の工学問題を解決するスケーラブルな製品群です。

長年の専門技術と業界知識を有する当社は、ドメインの専門知識を組み込んだ垂直アプリケーションなどの実用的なソリューションにより、業界の問題を解決する最も高度な技術を提供します。カスタマイズと自動化により、1 次元ソルバーからフロントエンド形状処理、 CAD、メッシュ技術まで、豊富なソリューションにアクセスできます。

このラインアップは、既存のシステムとその他の Hexagon 製品とのシームレスな統合を保証するために、相互運用性を考慮して設計されており、業界のオープンスタンダードを採用し、産業ニーズに対応します。フォトリアリスティックな効果と没入型解釈 (AR/VR) による最新のユーザーエクスペリエンスで設計を現実世界で確認し、データ駆動の意思決定を行うための貴重な洞察を集めることができます。






CFD の生産性を次のレベルに引き上げましょう


EV 電源ユニット (PSU) の共役熱伝導 (CHT) CFD(計算流体力学)分析



scPost で作成されたタイヤ外側の異音の側面画像。Actran によるシミュレーション



What is multiphysics simulation Software?
Multiphysics simulation software is used to model and analyse complex interacting physical processes. This analysis enables engineers, scientists, and researchers to study how physics interact and influence each other in a component or a system. Multiphysics simulation software offers engineers a comprehensive and realistic representation of real-world operations and provides insights into how products that are subject to interacting physical forces might perform. Here are some of the challenges multiphysics simulation can solve:

  • Interdisciplinary simulation: Multiphysics simulation combines multiple physics disciplines, such as fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, heat transfer, and more. Crossing these discipline boundaries can be challenging for businesses. This is why Hexagon invests in creating interoperable solutions designed to work together.
  • Complex interactions: In real-world systems, physics are not isolated. They interact and affect one another. Multiphysics simulations model these interactions to help engineers understand how iterative design changes will impact performance across multiple physics disciplines.
  • Optimization and design: Engineers use multiphysics simulations to optimise the design of systems and devices. They can iterate quickly and confidently and use the results of their analysis to enhance performance, efficiency, and reliability while minimizing costs.
  • Predictive analysis: Multiphysics simulations offer insights into how a system or device will behave under different conditions. This is especially valuable in industries like aerospace, where these conditions are too costly to test through physical prototypes alone and understanding how an aircraft structure reacts to external forces, thermal loads, and aerodynamics is crucial for safety and durability.
  • Prototyping reduction: By performing virtual tests and analyses with multiphysics simulations, companies can reduce the need for physical prototypes and save time and resources.
  • Safety and reliability: Multiphysics simulations can assess the safety and reliability of systems. For instance, in the nuclear industry, these simulations help predict how materials behave under conditions that are too extreme for safe physical testing.
  • Innovation: Multiphysics simulations help engineers push the boundaries of knowledge and innovate by exploring the development of new technologies and materials.
  • Product performance enhancement: Multiphysics simulations can help engineers identify weaknesses and opportunities for optimization early in the design process, allowing them to optimise products and ensure manufacturability.

What is multiphysics coupling?
When one physics solution affects the other, they are ‘coupled’. Depending on how strongly coupled the physics are, different mathematical methods may be used to improve the accuracy of the analysis. As an example, consider the physics of aircraft wings. For aero-acoustic calculations, the fluid flow strongly affects the acoustics, but the acoustics do not affect the fluid flow (in most cases). The physics can be coupled by solving them in sequence, using the best methods for each and maximising accuracy and speed. For an aircraft wing, however, the fluid flow affects the structure and the wing deformation affects the fluid flow, so both simulations should run in parallel while exchanging information with each other as they search for a converged state for each physical time step.

What is Hexagon’s multiphysics suite?
The Hexagon Multiphysics Suite is a scalable portfolio of products for multiphysics simulation. Designed for interoperability the multiphysics suite ensures seamless integration with your existing systems and other Hexagon products. It uses open industry standards like support for HDF5 output files and offers powerful simulation and modelling solutions trusted by industries to provide accurate, reliable analysis.

Is multiphysics software necessary for building digital twins?
Multiphysics capabilities are highly recommended for building accurate digital representations of reality. The more complex a product becomes, the more likely it is that multiple physics will be needed to fully capture it as a digital twin.

What physics domains does Hexagon include today in its Multiphysics Suite?
Structural, fluid, thermal and acoustic simulations are included in Hexagon’s Multiphysics Suite.

What software products are included in the Multiphysics Suite from Hexagon?
Hexagon’s multiphysics suite includes Actran, CAEFatigue, Cradle CFD, MSC Apex, MSC Nastran, MSC CoSim, Marc, Dytran, and Patran. Explore the Multiphysics Suite for individual product descriptions.

Are software products not included in Hexagon’s Multiphysics Suite interoperable with those in the suite?
Yes, multiple products interoperate at various levels of interoperability depending on the use cases they serve. Examples include ODYSSEE, Adams, Digimat, Simufact and Elements.

Where can I learn more about multiphysics simulation?
Please visit the NVH for Electric Vehicles page to see an example of a complete multiphysics solution that spans disciplines and tools to offer a powerful solution for the automotive industry.

  • A screenshot showcasing the Actran interface, the premier acoustic simulation software


  • Screenshot showcasing the user interface of a Multiphysics Simulation and Analysis Software


  • Screenshot presenting the Cradle CFD software interface

    Cradle CFDは、熱流体解析を可能にする数値流体力学(CFD)シミュレーションソフトウェアです。

  • MSC Apex the unified CAE environment

    MSC Apexは、仮想製品開発のための統合CAE環境です。

  • Dytran software on monitor


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      人間支援型 autonomy
  • Marc 非線形有限要素法解析ソフトウェア


  • MSC Nastran

    MSC Nastranは、エンジニアが静解析・動解析・熱解析などを実施するための構造解析ソフトウェアです。

  • Patran software - the complete FEA modeling solution


  • MSC CoSim software displayed on a monitor

    MSC CoSimは、複数のシミュレーション分野を結合することで、ユニークで完全かつ全体的な性能に関する洞察を提供します。

    • ×
      人間支援型 autonomy