Konstruksi Berat – Fasilitas Industri
Providing data-driven solutions that help design, plan, build, operate and sustain industrial assets of the highest quality.

Memanfaatkan kekuatan data untuk melakukan pekerjaan berat
Membangun fasilitas industri dengan lebih pintar, lebih efisien, dan lebih menguntungkan
Sepanjang siklus hidup proyek, Hexagon membantu mengelola risiko dan kompleksitas yang muncul dari proses desain, perencanaan, dan konstruksi proyek-proyek terbesar dan paling menantang di dunia. Dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak dan solusi konstruksi industri kami, manfaatkan wawasan digital untuk meraih visibilitas, membuat keputusan yang lebih baik, dan mendorong hasil proyek yang lebih sukses.
Gali solusi berdasarkan ekosistem
Industrial facilities
Design phase
Transform the project vision with Hexagon’s design and engineering software that is the gold standard for precision and ease of use.
Plan phase
Capture an exact digital twin of a site’s existing conditions, features and precise location to facilitate digital design concepts that drive efficiencies and reduce waste throughout the asset lifecycle.
Build phase
Orchestrate a construction project that is a model of productivity and efficiency — achieving the highest quality while avoiding rework and waste.
- Detection of underground and unseen structures
- Digital realities
- Documentation and verification
- Earned Value & Performance Management
- Equipment tracking
- Manajemen informasi siklus hidup aset
- Materials management
- Office and field workflow optimisation
- Positioning and measurement
- Project construction management and visualisation
- Reality capture
- Site safety and monitoring
- Structures and construction monitoring
Operate and maintain phase
Leverage data from the planning, design and build phases to create an operational twin that connects people, processes and events throughout the entire industrial facility lifecycle.
- Digital realities
- Earned Value & Performance Management
- Engineering analysis solutions
- Engineering asset visualisation (3D model)
- Engineering asset visualisation (digital realities)
- Enterprise asset management
- Environmental monitoring
- Manajemen informasi siklus hidup aset
- Marine dynamic positioning
- Office and field workflow optimisation
- Operations digitalisation
- Operations management
- OT/ICS cybersecurity
- Positioning and measurement
- Reality capture
Industrial and commercial resiliency
Forge safer industrial and commercial facilities with scalable surveillance, security and incident management capabilities.
Construct phase
Maintain a data-driven approach to orchestrate the entire construction phase, creating a 3D model of productivity and efficiency — with higher quality, fewer reworks and less waste — while layering 4D cost and 5D BIM scheduling data throughout the project.