Gantry Tip CMM'ler
Hexagon'un en büyük sabit, gantry ve köprü tipi 3B koordinat ölçüm cihazları (CMM'ler) size muazzam bir performans sunar. Üretim sahasında, üretim hücresinde ya da ölçüm odasında sağlam malzemeler, sağlam yapı ve yüksek hassasiyetle etkiler.
Gantry CMM'leri Keşfedin
Gantry CMM'ler, üretim alanında, üretim hücrelerinde ya da ölçüm odasında doğru, büyük hacimli parça incelenmesini sağlar.

Ürün Sorgulama
The Leitz PMM-G large-volume coordinate measuring machine provides high accuracy and throughput for large-size workpieces.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of inspection part program
The Leitz PMM-F is a high-accuracy monolithic gantry coordinate measuring machine for medium-sized workpieces.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of inspection part program
ALPHA 2.0 is a gantry coordinate measuring machine for inspection of large workpieces such as castings and machined parts.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of inspection part program
The LAMBDA SP is a line of very large measuring machines designed for operation in industrial environments.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of inspection part program
With its unique half-bridge and half-gantry open structure, DELTA OPERA combines the advantages of both types of CMM.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of inspection part program
The DELTA SLANT is a line of gantry CMMs that excel in the high-accuracy inspection of large machined parts .
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of inspection part program