Uçak motoru

Verimli uçak motorlarının uçmasını sağlamak
Havacılık motor tasarımı, üretimi ve denetimi için akıllı üretim çözümleri.
Hexagon'un yapabileceklerinin işinizi nasıl güçlendirebileceğini öğrenmeye hazır mısınız?
As demand for air travel grows and thousands of new engines are ordered every year, aircraft engine manufacturers are increasingly focused on high-volume manufacturing.
An engine carrying more than 3000 components contains hundreds of thousands of parts that must be designed, produced, measured and assembled to support program ramp-up. These include many complex geometric components such as compressor and turbine blades, blisks, vanes, casings and gears. Hexagon has developed advanced production capabilities to help manufacturers produce these components efficiently and sustainably
Hexagon’s aero engine solutions for aircraft engineers include structural, acoustic and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation tools that provide accurate test environments to optimise designs and processes.
Our production software solutions support all kinds of production simulations.
To help aero engine manufacturers reduce production cycle times and overall cost, Hexagon has helped pioneer the move towards in-line, shop-floor and automated tactile and non-contact metrology for engine component measurement.
Using our statistical process control (SPC) toolset offers aero engine manufacturers options for continuous process monitoring and optimisation. Engine producers also now have the option to use Hexagon's technology in real-time feedback loops for tool path optimisation right at the point of production.
Veri analizi
Yapısal Hasar Kaydı ve Analizi
Veri analizi araçları, yapısal hasarların kritik tanımlamasını, kaydını ve analizini otomatikleştirir ve iyileştirir. -
Dimensional Inspection
Kompresör ve türbin gövdesi incelemesi
Kompresör ve türbin gövdesi bileşenlerinin hızlı ve doğru incelemesi için esnek ölçüm çözümleri. -
Production Tools
Türbin pervanelerinin hizalanması için ölçüm probları
Türbin pervane olukları, yivler ve yarıçaplar için gereken toleranslara ulaşmak için hassas makine üstü ölçüm gereklidir. -
Reverse Engineering
Bileşenlerin tersine mühendisliği
CAD verisi olmadan uçak parçalarını onarmak, bakımını yapmak ve yenilemek için 3D tarama kullanmak, bu süreci daha kolay hale getirir. -
Simülasyon ve Analiz
Nasel akustik performans simülasyonu
Akustik simülasyon yazılımı, uçak tasarımcılarının uçak motoru naselinin akustik performansını optimize etmesini sağlar.
Explore capabilities
Design and engineering phase
With Hexagon’s innovations in manufacturing technology, users can digitally simulate and optimise product design and engineering to ensure component manufacturability, production productivity and output quality.
Production phase
Maintain a digital thread through production, optimise machine tools, measure environmental variances and prevent downtime with predictive data analyses.
Inspection phase
Automate and digitalise quality measurement with our world-leading metrology hardware and software, creating a bridge between the real and digital worlds.
Digital transformation
Deploy Hexagon’s sensor software systems to transform siloed and disconnected processes into an integrated, data-driven manufacturing ecosystem that captures and creates value across the product lifecycle, enabling new business models and automating workflows to become increasingly autonomous, efficient and sustainable.