QUINDOS 2020.2
I den senaste versionen av mätprogramvaran införs smidigt digitalt kuggdatautbyte och ISO 5459-integration.
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Den nya huvudversionen av QUINOS 2020.2 integrerar ytterligare standarder och erbjuder förbättrad funktionalitet i QUINDOS-alternativen för specialgeometrier.
- QUINDOS Release 2020.2 stödjer nu de geometriska produktspecifikationerna för referenselement och referenssystem enligt ISO 5459 baserat på de senaste standarderna.
- GDE-gränssnittet (Gear Data Exchange) släpps som ett nytt alternativ i QUINDOS 2020.2. QUINDOS stödjer nu konceptet med sluten krets baserat på VDI/VDE-standard 2610 för kugghjulsdata för spiralformade cylindriska kugghjul.
- Topografisk mätning och analys är nu integrerad i QUINDOS Gear-alternativet. Denna förbättring ger ökad säkerhet i prototyp- och verktygsinspektion.
- QUINDOS innehåller nu en ny funktion för mätning och utvärdering av profilsektioner på cylindriska huvud- och portrotorer i vertikal inriktning – ett intuitivt allroundverktyg för skruvkompressortillämpningar.
Klicka på ”Funktioner & fördelar” för mer information om nya viktiga funktioner och förbättringar.
QUINDOS 2020.2 innehåller även flera förbättringar och korrigeringar för grundläggande och individuella QUINDOS-moduler.
QUINDOS 2020.2 – höjdpunkter
Features & benefit
QUINDOS sets a milestone in the integration of ISO 5459 for datums and datum systems. The implementation is based on the draft ISO/DIS 5459:2019-08 with the currently valid defaults from ISO 5459:2011. Thus QUINDOS already provides the basis for compliant integration of future changes in GPS standards today.
A new command is now available for building datum systems – BuildDatumSystem. A single intelligent dialogue allows the user to configure the information from the datum section step by step from the association method to the degrees of freedom. The additional support functions integrated in QUINDOS ensure comprehensive transparency in relation to how the inputs are processed and the internal calculations.
The QUINDOS GDE Interface option supports the exchange of gear data for involute cylindrical gears with external database systems – from design, through manufacturing, to quality assurance. The GDE file format is standardised according to VDI/VDE Standard 2610 and enables simple transfer and distribution of gear data in XML format.
QUINDOS 2020.2 supports versions 2.6 and 2.7 of VDI/VDE standard 2610.
The QUINDOS GDE Interface option exchanges the following information via the transfer file:
- Geometrical parameters
- Measurement strategies for profile and helix, pitch, and run-out, and for specialised measurements, such as dimension over balls, tip and root diameter
- Measurement data
- Calculated tooth deviations.
The QUINDOS option includes separate commands to import and export gear data.
Gear data on cylindrical and helical gears from the QUINDOS Gear or QUINDOS Unknown Gear options can be exported to a transfer file after verification and are thus available for further processing in diverse databases and applications.Data can be imported into the QUINDOS database via the GDE interface, thus ensuring that the gear data and information is transferred and displayed correctly in the QUINDOS Gear dialogues. Depending on the data scope and work environment, the gears can be measured or evaluated with common functions and/or modified strategies in the Gear option – without any or with only minimal programming effort.
The measurement and analysis of topography has been integrated in QUINDOS Gear.
The topography is used to visually display the profile and helix form and serves as a basis for the analysis of prototypes, tool inspection, or setting twist. All profiles and helices have a common reference in the topography evaluation.
Existing data with multiple profiles and a helix line from a previous gear measurement can be subjected to a separate post hoc topography evaluation based on the given measurement data.
QUINDOS provides various settings to configure the calculation and graphical display of the topography evaluation:- Calculation of deviations perpendicular to the surface or in a transverse plane tangent to the base circle
- Digital filter for profile and helix
- Deviation magnification
- Display with tooth contour
- Auxiliary lines for optimal spatial illustration
This new functionality provides the measurement and evaluation of profile sections of cylindrical main and gate rotors in vertical position in a standardised interface.
The new feature is an allrounder which includes both the measurement and evaluation of rotors using the selected measurement technology, and also the automatic alignment of this special geometry based on the geometrical data with respect to the rotary table/fixture coordinate system.
The inspection scope is defined in the user interface. The functionality includes mirroring the contours of the imported nominal data, exporting the measurement data in Klingelnberg format, and transferring characteristics which were marked for statistical evaluation.
The new feature is an efficient measurement solution for all male and female rotor size variants, whether via tactile measurement or using the optical HP-O sensors in combination with a rotary table.
Non-contact measurement with rotary table provides a wear-free solution for fragile part surfaces, which is a significant advantage. Large rotors can be measured efficiently on a rotary table with the standardised QUINDOS solution. Another plus: the measurement can be executed without the need for a counter guide.
The screw compressor nominal data are imported in ASCII format. The travel paths and clearance paths are generated automatically according to the dialogue-based configuration of the measurement and geometry parameters and can be edited at any time.
Detailed evaluation is carried out after the fully-automated execution of the measurements. The evaluations include comprehensive tabular and graphical standard reports which can also be output in Klingelnberg format. Correction factors for processing on the grinding machine can thus be made available directly out of QUINDOS.
The feature supports female, male, and multi-lobe rotors and can also automatically export the data in typical QUINDOS statistics formats.
You can find more information on the screw compressor application here:
High Accuracy Inspection of Screw Compressors -
Operating System
QUINDOS 2020.2 runs on 64-bit Windows® 10 Pro.
The minimum requirement is Windows® 10 Pro Version 1809.
The recommended version is Windows® 10 Pro Version 1909.
QUINDOS 2020.2 also runs on Windows 7® Pro 64-bit. Note that the support and fixes for operating system related bugs is limited.
Microsoft .NET Framework
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 for Windows is required.
The QUINDOS installer will install it for you.
We recommend the following hardware configuration when using the QUINDOS software package including CAD options and when using QUINDOS with the QUINDOS Reshaper option or the I++Simulator software package:
- Processor:Intel® Xeon® W-2125 4,0 GHz, 4,5 GHz Turbo, 4-Core, 8,25 MB Cache.
- RAM:32 GB DDR4-RDIMM (4 x 8 GB), 2.666 MHz.
- Graphics card:Nvidia Quadro RTX4000, 8 GB, 3DP, VirtualLink.
- Hard drive:1 x 256 GB SSD HD, 1 x 2 TB SATA HD.
- Monitor:24 inch (monitor resolution 1920 x 1200).
We recommend a second TFT-Monitor when using CAD functionalities and when using QUINDOS with the QUINDOS Reshaper option or the environment I++Simulator.
A second network interface card is required for communication with the measuring machine.
Please check whether or not a serial interface is required for connecting to your measuring device. This may be the case on older measuring machines.
Please also note the information in the Release Notes.
SMA (Software Maintenance Agreement)
We recommend purchasing a current Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) in order to access the newest QUINDOS functions and latest updates.
Please note, a valid software license agreement is required to use this version.
2020.2 can be used with a valid SMA contract which contains the date 31.12.2019
The SMA end date is checked during the installation process.
QUINDOS 2020.2 contains numerous improvements and fixes in the basic package and individual QUINDOS modules. Contact your local Hexagon branch or dealer for further information.
The SMA also enables ongoing access to technical Support and Service. -
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