Mine Blast Design
Begin with a blast pattern design that incorporates geology properties from the block model.
Small errors at any stage of the complex drill and blast process can compound to create costly consequences later. Hexagon software can help address this challenge by accounting for geology and geometry in the blast design stage.
Like many catchy mining phrases, “Drill to Mill,” “Pit to Plant,” and “Mine to Mill” are deceptively simple descriptions for complex, multi-layered processes.
In the mining cycle, drill and blast (D&B) is arguably the first and most important step to get right. Hexagon’s holistic approach to D&B incorporates solutions to improve yield, fragmentation and dilution.
The approach, incorporating technology ranging from blast design and high-precision drilling to post-blast analysis and optimization, empowers mines to take back the purchasing power on their bulk commodity explosives.
A well-designed blast pattern and the effective execution of the blast plan using high-precision drills are key. Hexagon blast design software incorporates charge and blast design templates that are based on engineering methods proven in mines worldwide.
This can help avoid high-wall stability problems, uneven blasting, poor fragmentation, unnecessarily high energy costs and dangerous working conditions.

We’re climbing the automation curve
Our transition to Intelligent automation is accelerating. Ultimately, our innovations will give rise to new technologies and applications - many of which we’ve yet to imagine. Today, every Hexagon solution is mapped and tagged according to its level of automation, so customers can clearly track our progress towards the freedom of autonomy.
Products that make an environmental impact in forest monitoring, material reusability, farming or water usage.
Products that make an environmental impact in renewable energy, noise pollution elimination and e-mobility.
Products that make an environmental impact in saving our oceans, reducing pollution and increasing access to clean water.