Leveraging Hexagon solutions to unify dispatch and response across Bavaria
Needing to unify statewide command and control operations, the Bavarian State Police implemented Hexagon’s leading computer-aided dispatch (CAD) solution, supporting officers with location-based incident data for better decision-making and situational awareness.

The challenge
The Free State of Bavaria is Germany’s second largest state, yet boasts the country’s lowest crime rates. The agency responsible for that achievement is Bavarian State Police.
Bavarian State Police ensures the safety of more than 12.5 million citizens. Amid operational reorganization, Bavarian State Police needed a new dispatch and incident management solution that would unify its command center operations statewide. The solution also needed to connect local police stations with the command centers and support officers in the field with location-based incident information for better situational awareness.
The solution
Bavarian State Police selected Hexagon's Safety & Infrastructure division to help it achieve more efficient and effective policing through an integrated solution – one that enabled greater flexibility and resilience through a single, virtual system deployed across many sites.
Built on Hexagon's industry-leading computer-aided dispatch (CAD) platform and other technologies, the integrated solution supports Bavarian State Police’s entire dispatch and emergency response operation with powerful location-based incident awareness.
This includes the interfacing of digital radio systems and emergency command call features. Officers can push a button on their radios, which transmit voice and location data to the command centers, creating an incident in Hexagon's technology automatically.
The solution also includes remote dispatching capabilities. Hexagon's key application for accessing real-time incident information via the web allows the agency and local police stations to dispatch, manage and update various incident types from a web-based interface. Currently, the Bavarian State Police has 280 local police stations with up to 3,000 concurrent users statewide and potentially more than 30,000 users are authorized for access.
“[Hexagon’s] solution provides us with facts – with maps, object data, and personal and factual information. When we put all that together, we can make decisions that will have a large impact on how we protect the people of Bavaria.”
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