Leading with sustainability
Josh Weiss – President Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division

Leading into the future
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, sustainability is no longer a luxury; it is now an imperative. The pivotal role sustainability plays is at the heart of Hexagon’s strategy as we underpin our commitment to consistently deliver transformational software and hardware solutions across every stage of the manufacturing process.
For us at Hexagon, championing sustainability goes beyond just embedding it in our operational procedures. Rather, it forms the core of our product development process, shaping the way we assist manufacturers across diverse industries. Supporting manufacturers on their journey to market success from design through to production, quality control, and reporting, requires that sustainability is integral to our strategic vision.
We at Hexagon approach sustainability with great optimism, confident that change-making software and hardware solutions can fuel a future characterised by conscious manufacturing, sustainable developments, and an overall healthier global ecosystem. Our strategy, in essence, is not just about leading with sustainability, but advocating for it as a part of a transformative, global efficiency narrative that substantially contributes to the better future we collectively envision.
For us at Hexagon, championing sustainability goes beyond just embedding it in our operational procedures. Rather, it forms the core of our product development process, shaping the way we assist manufacturers across diverse industries. Supporting manufacturers on their journey to market success from design through to production, quality control, and reporting, requires that sustainability is integral to our strategic vision.
Sustainability begins at design
A sustainable future begins with design. The potential environmental impact of products can be lowered significantly during the design stage, in fact 80% of a product’s environmental performance is locked in at this point. Hexagon approaches sustainability challenges with precision, infusing operations from conceptual design to engineered product with thoughtfully-crafted, software solutions that prioritise longevity, recyclability, and energy efficiency. Our tools empower designers to visualise life-cycle impacts and iterate virtually, reducing impact on resources while also identifying opportunities to improve efficiency and implement eco-friendly design early in the production process.A sustainable approach to production
Hexagon believes that the key to achieving a resilient and sustainable economy lies in the shift towards lean and efficient manufacturing processes. It’s a journey that we’re not simply observing – we’re leading. Our state-of-the-art hardware solutions are optimised for operational energy efficiency, minimising waste without compromising productivity or quality. We champion manufacturing methods that utilise fewer resources, generate less waste, and can be rectified if errors occur. Investing in technologies like AI and machine learning also contribute to aiding intelligent decision-making, process optimisation and bridging the skills gap impacting many industries. Combined, these capabilities help manufacturers become more competitive, efficient and ultimately more sustainable.The power of quality control
Sustainable manufacturing isn’t just about the initial stages of design and production – it’s an end-to-end commitment. Crucial to this commitment is quality control, often an undervalued aspect in the discourse around sustainable manufacturing. By utilising data-driven analytics to monitor and improve the quality of our products, we reduce both the rate of manufacturing errors and the need for costly, resource-intensive remediation processes. Our quality control measures contribute to our sustainability goals by reducing product failures and potential waste, ensuring a robust, efficient, and more importantly, a sustainable manufacturing process.Transparent reporting: the backbone of sustainability
Transparency is the backbone of any sustainable business model. It fosters trust, enhances credibility, and nurtures stakeholder relations. Recognising this, Hexagon provides manufacturers with comprehensive and transparent reporting tools. Our software solutions allow manufacturers to track their sustainability progress, report on their green credentials, and ultimately evidence their commitment to the environment.Leading into the future
Steering through the complexities and challenges of the manufacturing landscape today, Hexagon is a preferred technology partner for many top global manufacturers and we remain committed to embedding sustainability throughout our business. We lead the way in empowering makers across all industries operate more efficiently and with greater resilience for a more sustainable future. It is now time for businesses to transcend traditional boundaries and emerge with a forward-thinking perspective on sustainability.We at Hexagon approach sustainability with great optimism, confident that change-making software and hardware solutions can fuel a future characterised by conscious manufacturing, sustainable developments, and an overall healthier global ecosystem. Our strategy, in essence, is not just about leading with sustainability, but advocating for it as a part of a transformative, global efficiency narrative that substantially contributes to the better future we collectively envision.