Aircraft cabin interior brackets installation
Guided positioning and final inspection of cabin interior brackets
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Installing and controlling lining brackets in aircraft cabins can be a time-consuming process. Traditional methods involve iterative manual installation and measurement by operators, who then need to check positioning against design drawings. If there is a deviation from the CAD, fitters will have to go back to realign brackets.
Hexagon’s online photogrammetry tools enable metrology-assisted assembly of cabin interior brackets by inspecting the installation while it is in progress. The adjustment, installation, measurement and documentation of brackets becomes a one-step process, doing away with the need for expensive measurement installations. Instead, any misalignment can be identified and fixed on the spot while the fitter is still working, which greatly increases aerospace manufacturers’ productivity.
In addition, this dynamic referencing system allows Hexagon’s equipment to compensate for movements and vibrations, making it ideal for the shop-floor environment of an aircraft assembly line.
Our solutions
Explore Hexagon solutions for bracket installation in aircraft cabins
Real-time photogrammetry
Large-volume metrology software
Case studies
See how Hexagon solutions are used in the aerospace industry