- Read j5 Standing Orders solution sheet
- Read Ten Reasons to transform your human procedures brochure
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j5 Standing Orders allows for the distribution of operational orders on a digital platform.
Ready to get started?
To ensure safe operations, it is key to receive and understand process instructions. Traditionally, these would be written in the control room on a whiteboard, but this method has limitations: it cannot be audited, is not mobile and lacks accountability.
j5 Standing Orders allows for the distribution of operational orders on a digital platform, with an audit trail of who has received and acknowledged them. With j5 applications' mobile capabilities, field operators can receive and acknowledge these notifications remotely.
Features & benefits
Fast search and filtering, integration with other j5 applications, time savings and accuracy.

Consistent standing orders
Ensure consistent formatting, structure and content entry.

Centralised data repository
Overcome the limitations of the whiteboard approach and bring additional process benefits.

Connected data
Configure j5 Standing Orders to meet your sites’ specific requirements, from mandatory recorded information to specific approval workflows.
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Case study
Calpine Corporation
Case study