Isogen Publisher

Unlock Isogen Piping Data
Isogen is the most widely used software for the automated generation of piping isometric drawings.
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Isogen® Publisher helps to unlock the data behind the drawings and make it available to other applications that need it. It is the most widely used software for the automated generation of piping isometric drawings. Isogen Publisher can handle Isogen data from disk files and publish this data to both SmartPlant® Foundation and to Intergraph Smart® 3D. In addition, Isogen Publisher can load data directly from both Intergraph Spoolgen® and Smart Isometrics projects with powerful filtering capabilities.
Asset Management
Isogen Publisher provides a way to extract all of the value from these different piping models and deliver a set of consistent quality, standardized piping drawings.
Construction Planning
Smart Construction benefits from consistent piping data and documents delivered through Isogen Publisher, which enables precise scheduling and tracking of the piping installation.
Piping Data Transfer
Isogen Publisher can also convert the same files into a format which can be imported into Smart 3D – creating native Smart 3D piping data. Isogen Publisher supports the benefit of transferring a native piping model from a different system.
Isogen Publisher includes Isogen and I-Configure so that specific drawing styles can be chosen during the publish process.
Publish to Smart 3D
Isogen Publisher can also convert the same files into a format which can be imported into Smart 3D – creating native Smart 3D piping data.
Publish to SmartPlant Foundation
Isogen Publisher includes Isogen, so it can create new piping isometric drawings in CAD format and extract all the data encoded in the files.
Does your system produces IDFs or PCFs? You need Isogen! Isogen is the most widely used software for the automated generation of piping isometric drawings.
Intergraph Smart Isometrics
Hexagon's Asset Lifecycle Intelligence division is proud to announce the release of Intergraph Smart Isometrics.
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