HxGN InService

Restore power quickly and efficiently.

HxGN InService

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Central to our capabilities for network operations is HxGN InService, an integrated outage management and mobile workforce management solution that minimizes outage disruption by enabling earlier detection and faster restoration through enhanced situational awareness, automation and efficient and highly effective use of field crews.

InService delivers enhanced insight and streamlined operations by combining critical capabilities for network management (such as network monitoring, analysis and operation) with those for outage management and mobile workforce management, and coordinating with systems for customer communications and network engineering.

Whether implementing an outage management system or an advanced distribution management system (ADMS), InService provides the core capabilities, integrating with third-party systems (like SCADA, AMI, DNA, DMS, CIS and WAMS), to track outages and restore service, feed customer communications, monitor and operate the distribution system, provide grid analysis and optimization, manage and inform field crews and provide an invaluable source of operational intelligence to the enterprise.

The capabilities can be united within a single user interface to enable far simpler and immediate operation for faster and more efficient response. Unifying the various information sources gives a dynamic operational view of both the live network and field resources, one that can be shared across the business from operators in the control center, to field crew and the extended enterprise.

"With virtually no tuning, the system has exceeded the utility's expectations. On blue-sky days, about 20 percent of Oncor's outages are resolved without receiving a customer call.”

T&D Services Manager
  • Enhance insight
    Harness a live operational picture that integrates feeds for optimal situational awareness.
  • Improve customer satisfaction 
    Restore power faster and provide customers more accurate and timely outage information.
  • Increase efficiency
    Optimize crew utilization by identifying and dispatching the nearest suitable crews, filtering out off-grid events, and reducing returns to the same location.

Ensuring regulatory compliance in Brazil

Amazonas Energia chose HxGN NetWorks and HxGN InService to meet the challenges of a complex electricity distribution network.

Hydro Ottawa

Hydro Ottawa implements GIS and outage management solution to unify disparate data, reduce restoration times, and improve customer service.

Wisconsin Public Service

Wisconsin Public Service uses mobile-enabled outage management system to streamline dispatch operations, reduce radio traffic, and improve restoration times.