Asset Risk Analyzer | HxGN APM

Two industrial workers in high-visibility jackets and hard hats standing in a large industrial facility

Asset Risk Analyzer

A free solution to analyse failure risk and benchmark asset performance.

Quantify Operational Risk and Deploy Mitigation Strategies through Failure Prediction

Designed for risk management, reliability and maintenance professionals, Asset Risk Analyzer is a free tool from Hexagon that examines data across large populations of assets and calculates the operational risk due to equipment failure. It generates insights that help asset managers to prioritise and justify improvement opportunities by answering key questions such as: 

  • How does my current asset performance compare with industry norms? 

  • Which assets pose the biggest risk of failure during my next planning or production cycle? 

  • What assets will drive the biggest impact if performance is improved?

Asset Risk Analyzer is an ideal starting point for any reliability improvement initiative as it identifies critical assets that are candidates for optimised asset strategies. In a seamless workflow, asset managers can quantify operational risk and deploy mitigation strategies through failure prediction, predictive maintenance and asset health management use cases.

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Use Cases

Asset Risk Analyzer product screen on a computer with a blue background

Identify your riskiest assets
Determine which assets present the most risk to your plan and quantify the opportunity for improvement. 

  • Identify the riskiest assets to your plan
  • Know which assets are performing below industry benchmarks
  • Quantify the impact of unreliability
  • Expose blind spots in your asset management system

Asset Risk Analyzer product screen on a computer with a blue background

Benchmark your performance
Analyse your asset performance against industry metrics to identify improvement targets.  Focus your optimisation efforts on the assets not meeting reliability targets.

Asset Risk Analyzer product screen on a computer with a blue background

Identify riskiest assets to your plan
Set your failure risk threshold and see exactly what will prevent you from making the plan. Evaluate the next production run or an annual budgeting cycle and drive improvements where it counts most.

Asset Risk Analyzer product screen on a computer with a blue background

Quantify impact and opportunity
Analyse the financial impacts due to equipment unreliability and determine opportunities for improvement.  Run what if scenarios to quantify the potential savings you will gain from reliability improvement efforts.

Asset Risk Analyzer product screen on a computer with a blue background

Implement Asset Strategies to improve performance
Capture the savings opportunity by implementing strategies on the assets which are high risk and performing poorly.  Drive Asset Strategies to mitigate potential failure risks and ensure optimised maintenance activities are in place.

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