Współrzędnościowe maszyny pomiarowe (CMM)

Nie ma znaczenia czy szukasz podstawowego modelu czy też miałeś już wcześniej kontakt ze współrzędnościowymi maszynami pomiarowymi, a teraz chcesz zwiększyć jakość lub wydajność pomiarową - zawsze znajdziemy dla Ciebie odpowiedni produkt i zapewnimy specjalistyczną wiedzę oraz wsparcie

Formularz zapytania o produkt

  • Accessories for CMMs

    CMM accessories provide even more precise results delivered even faster, or expand the applications of the measuring system.

  • Range

    Bridge CMMs offer a range of solutions where accuracy, repeatability and automated dimensional inspection is required.

  • CMM probes and sensors

    A comprehensive range of CMM probe heads, probes, probe changers, styli and accessories to support efficient inspection.

  • Retrofit machines
    Service solution

    CMM controller upgrades and retrofits ensure your equipment keeps pace with the latest standards

  • Photograph featuring a Gantry CMM, a type of Coordinate Measuring Machine designed for accurate measurement of large manufactured parts.

    Gantry CMMs provide accurate large-volume part inspection on the production floor, in production cells or in measuring rooms.

  • DEA Bravo horizontal arm

    Horizontal arm CMMs have open structures with good accessibility, making them ideal for measuring large sheet metal parts.

  • HxGN Stationary Solution Suite

    A world-class portfolio of metrology software and devices.

  • Multisensor and optical CMMs

    Multisensor CMMs deliver flexibility by combining the precision of tactile probing with the speed of non-contact measurement.

  • A picture illustrating a technician utilizing a shop floor CMM.

    Specialised shop-floor CMMs for measurement at the point of production in the most challenging workshop conditions.

  • Platform

    Nexus is a platform to enhance smart manufacturing collaboration, accelerating innovation and time to market.