MSC Apex generatief ontwerp

Slim generatief ontwerp voor een ongeëvenaarde Design for Additive Manufacturing-ervaring

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Existing CAD data can be directly imported into MSC Apex Generative Design. The import feature can handle all common CAD file formats, from STL and STEP files through to a number of proprietary CAD software file formats. If needed, even complex assemblies can be imported. Otherwise, the model can be created from scratch directly within the software.
Using the versatile geometry tools, the imported data can be easily manipulated for preparing the optimisation model. Specialised functions allow the highly efficient preparation of complex assemblies. Loads and boundary conditions are quickly defined with the corresponding features to complete the model setup.
The software automatically creates a mesh within seconds and starts the optimisation run. It intelligently smooths and properly intersects the geometry in every iteration And the algorithm creates feasible, directly usable and reliable designs.
With just a few mouse clicks the generated mesh is quickly transferred to a NURBS‐based CAD file format, so that it can be utilized in the user’s common CAD/CAM workflow – no more manual work required!

Innovative technology for innovative designs

MSC Apex Generative Design's innovative approach has been proven in practice
It is based on Finite Element Analysis but, unlike traditional methods, does not use a density field, rather utilizes a very fine mesh with well-defined elements. This enables the algorithm to directly evaluate the occurring stresses, as well as reliably derive distinct geometries that are truly unimaginable by human mind.

Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) without Expert Knowledge
MSC Apex Generative Design is designed specifically to generate the detailed and highly complex structures that only additive processes can manufacture. The optimised designs exhibit perfect transitions between structure elements such as struts and shells as well as they contain usually self-supporting structures that ensure the results can be sent straight to print.

MSC Apex Generative Design at a glance

  • Simplicity - No expert knowledge required for conducting optimisations through a high user-focused software design.
  • Automated Design - Almost automatically generate multiple smoothed design candidates that all satisfy the design criteria while minimizing the weight.
  • Import and Validation - Import existing geometries or mesh, find optimized design candidates, and perform design validation - all inside a single CAE environment.
  • Direct Output - Export geometry that can be directly manufactured and used immediately without manual re-work.
  • One Process - Import the resulting geometries in Simufact Additive or Digimat AM to achieve cost-efficient first-time-right result for every part.

Case study: Lightweight bracket

Lightweight construction is particularly important in satellite design because every extra kilogram generates high costs for transportation into space. If weight can be saved, the valuable payload of the launch vehicle or satellite can be used for further applications and added value can be created.

Case study: Optimised wheel carrier

Two factors are essential for a successful racing car: light weight and strong components. Due to its fourfold use, the wheel carrier is ideal for saving weight while meeting high load-bearing requirements.

Case study: Stiff motor mount

The electrification of bikes is bringing extraordinary attention and growth impulses to cycling. Lightweight construction is also of high importance for those bicycles which is why the motor mount was redesigned and prepared for 3D printing.

Learn more about MSC Apex Generative Design




MSC Apex Generative Design

Bridge the gap between design and manufacturing with Smart Generative Design. Create optimised designs that perfectly match their requirements.


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On-Demand Webinars


Spice your engineering workflow with generative design

 Deploy and combine MSC Apex Generative Design with a variety of tools to optimize development processes and achieve better outcome


How Apex Generative Design eases your engineering life

Effective strategies to get to optimised, lightweight part designs, and accelerate time to market using Generative Design

Training Series

Boost your engineering productivity

Training session from beginner to professional for enhancing engineering speed and quality through optimisation
Infographic Generatief Ontwerp