How Hexagon creates value for the transportation industry

Enhance transportation planning, operations and safety
Transportation is increasingly complex. Expanding demand, aging infrastructure, safety concerns and the rise of autonomous vehicles and other technologies create challenges for network operators, service providers and authorities.
Our technologies innovate data collection, analysis, management and delivery, providing the information and insights needed to make the most of investments. We help organisations map assets and locations, model networks, monitor and optimise services and performance and ensure safe operations.

From physical to digital and back
Empowering transportation authorities, network operators and service providers with the ability to better understand and act on data is Hexagon’s objective for the transportation industry. We provide an advanced digital twin for aviation, maritime, railway and roadway planning and operations that ensures accurate, current information and capabilities when and where they are needed most, including:
- Airborne and mobile mapping of corridors, networks and assets
- Geospatial content, imagery analysis and data management
- Map and chart production and delivery
- Multi-level linear referencing and network modelling
- Lifecycle asset inspections
- Safety planning and engineering
- Vehicle permitting and routing
- Real-time sensor integration and situational awareness of assets and networks
- 3D security and surveillance of facilities and infrastructure
- Emergency response at facilities and along networks