Maps for utilities

Manage critical assets
Managing, monitoring and planning the distribution of utility services.
Hexagon’s utility mapping solutions provide sensors, software, platforms and data to increase agility, manage the remote workforce, map assets, support new build and reduce down-time.
Explore capabilities
Cities and nations
Design phase
Capture an accurate digital reality of a building site’s existing conditions, features and positioning to help digitally design initial concepts that minimise inputs and reduce waste during the project.
Plan phase
Transform your vision and design into a plan of action, digitally mapping out every detail for the construction phase including materials, scheduling and cost.
Operate and maintain phase
Leverage data from design, plan and build phases to optimize operations, maintenance, safety, and resilience.
Industrial and commercial resiliency
Forge safer industrial and commercial facilities with scalable surveillance, security and incident management capabilities.
Mapping solutions
Leverage location intelligence with solutions that capture, visualise, analyse and derive insights from location data to address a variety of urban and national challenges.
Public administration solutions
Easily share data for census, cadastral management, public works and interagency situational awareness with cloud-based applications and collaborative solutions.
Public safety solutions
Improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information with integrated technology solutions that enhance public safety and security performance and productivity.
Transportation solutions
Deploy intuitive, integrated solutions for roads, railways, aviation and maritime to ensure effective planning and operations and enhance safety with minimal disruption.
Utilities and communications solutions
Achieve greater network service reliability, enhance integrity, increase efficiency and fulfil the expectations of utility stakeholders with Hexagon’s location-based technologies.
Plan phase
Visualise the site above and below ground, digitally mapping out every detail for the construction phase, including time, materials, estimating, scheduling and cost.
Design phase
Digitally capture all the right distances and volumes that are key to construction performance, with accurate positioning and measurements integrated into the 3D model.
Operate and maintain phase
Empower asset owners and operators with solutions that go beyond smart infrastructure and provide 24/7 visibility into the operational twin to optimise safety and efficiency throughout all operations and maintenance while extending the life of the infrastructure asset.