Key stakeholders of the government industry

Hexagon transforms government planning, operations and services
Government mapping and GIS departments collect, manage, analyse and produce geospatial data to inform decision-making by government agencies, non-profits, businesses and educational institutions. They also make much of this data accessible to the public for enhanced transparency and citizen engagement.
Hexagon allows GIS departments to meet expanded user expectations by improving mapping workflows and products with integrated capabilities for geospatial data collection and management, analysis, map production and information sharing.
City planning departments are responsible for designing sustainable community growth while ensuring the physical, social and economic wellbeing of citizens. They are responsible for implementing land use and development policies, urban design efforts, historic preservation programs and more.
Hexagon delivers geospatial content, land use mapping, tracking and analysis capabilities that are crucial to assessing property values, protecting natural resources, planning urban spaces and more.
Asset and infrastructure departments are responsible for developing and implementing strategies for sustaining and protecting public infrastructure assets such as water treatment facilities, sewer lines, roads, utility grids, telecommunication networks, bridges and railways. This requires the ability to keep track of massive amounts of information.
Hexagon enables smarter and more informed decision-making by improving the communication between field personnel and supervisors, as well as efficiently managing inspections and inventory of critical above and underground assets.
Government operations and service departments are responsible for administering and operating services, including property, tax, permitting and more. These departments leverage data for modernising and streamlining their efforts to be more transparent, collaborative and accountable to citizens.
Hexagon allows government operations and service teams to drive digital transformation and implement smarter workflows to overcome a variety of challenges, as well as deliver more accessible and responsive services to citizens.
Land and environmental departments focus on land use planning as well as the development of liveable, inclusive and sustainable communities through environmental stewardship and conservation. From agriculture development to conservation planning and forestry, these departments require a wide range of data for driving outcomes that protect the environment for future generations.
Hexagon delivers solutions for analysing land and resource use to map locations, track environmental changes, monitor vegetation health, assess property values, protect natural resources, plan urban spaces and more.
Census and statistics departments provide high-quality statistical services that contribute to long-term social and economic development. The information gathered determines where to build schools, supermarkets, homes, hospitals and more, as well as guides the distribution of funds to help regions, states and municipalities. Many census and statistics departments are now tasked with modernising and streamlining the census process to be more accurate and efficient.
Built on more than 20 years of population and housing census domain expertise, Hexagon offers national statistic offices and government leaders a fully integrated digital system that transforms, streamlines and democratizes the entire census-taking process.