How Hexagon creates value for the consumer products industry

Digitalising consumer product value from concept to customer
Consumer products is a fast-paced industry, with competition and ever-changing consumer demands driving rapid innovation. Hexagon is helping consumer goods companies adapt quickly with digital transformation solutions that improve speed to market, manage supply chain complexity and maximise growth.
Meeting digital consumer demands
With customers wanting tomorrow's product yesterday, consumer product companies face unprecedented challenges today.
In addition to the key competition areas of price and quality, new "digital consumers" are emerging – using digital technologies to research and purchase exactly what they want at the lowest price possible. Whether it’s household and white goods, personal care, furniture or food and beverage, expectations of the product experience are sky high, and consumer brands must deliver to stay relevant and drive sustainable business growth.
Against a backdrop of globalisation and new regulatory demands, this creates a complex operating environment for the industry against a backdrop of globalisation and new regulatory demands,. Digitalisation is essential to manage this complexity and ensure agility in this faced-paced market. By leveraging digital solutions, consumer goods companies are empowered to keep customers at the heart of the innovation process from design to delivery, creating products that inspire and delight the modern digital consumer.
Accelerating consumer product innovation
Customer-centric innovation is key to success in consumer products, and a “digital-first, digital- throughout" approach will help deliver a differentiated product offering in a sustainable way. Hexagon is helping consumer product companies digitalise from concept to customer:
- CAE simulation supports rapid product innovation and lowers costs by virtually validating and optimising designs and reducing physical prototyping.
- Manufacturing process simulation ensures manufacturability and predicts issues before production begins.
- Quality data from post-production and service life is fed back to designers to accelerate product iterations, shorten design cycles and remedy issues faster.
- Data-sharing from concept to customer provides a single source of truth to enable better decision-making.
- Rich insight enables consumer product companies to understand, react to and eventually predict trends in customer behaviour to improve future products.