How Hexagon creates value for the aerospace industry

Digitally transforming aerospace in pursuit of sustainable aviation
With the aerospace industry facing unprecedented pressure for more sustainable operations while continuing to meet passenger demand, Hexagon empowers the digitalisation of aerospace design to manufacturing and operations – enabling the industry to reimagine aviation in a new and greener light.
Aerospace Industry Disruption
The global pandemic brought unprecedented disruption to commercial aviation at a time when the industry was already standing at the crossroads of change. With a huge aircraft production backlog and growing pressure to reduce environmental impact such as carbon dioxide emissions and noise pollution, the industry had already begun to view smart manufacturing technologies as a solution to these major challenges.
In a post-COVID world, digitalisation is a necessity for the aerospace industry to increase resilience and agility, shorten development cycles, address the manufacturing backlogs and get more efficient aircraft in the skies more quickly.

GNSS ground reference and uplink solutions
Hexagon develops and supplies specialised Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) reference receivers for national Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS). The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has trusted our technology and solutions for over 25 years to power the network used to provide ground-based satellite monitoring. The reference measurements from our receivers allow the SBAS networks to provide GNSS corrections and a certified level of integrity, which is vital for enroute navigation, departures and landings of aircraft.
Helping sustainable aviation take flight
Hexagon’s aerospace solutions use data to address critical phases of aircraft design, development, operations and maintenance.
Smart manufacturing is key to success as the aerospace industry invests in a new generation of lightweight, efficient and clean aircraft. Hexagon is enabling aerospace manufacturers to create digitally connected ecosystems that use data from throughout the product lifecycle to improve quality, productivity and efficiency:
- Powerful CAE simulation and co-simulation tools to accelerate design innovation
- Manufacturing solutions focused on reducing production cycle times
- Inspection equipment that ensures component quality and traceability
- Digitalisation technology that enables a holistic approach from design through manufacturing and MRO
Hexagon’s solutions for aerospace also include sensors and visualisation software that help build smart industrial facilities and provide situational intelligence for flight operations and airport safety applications.