Key stakeholders of the aerospace industry

Hexagon helps aerospace stakeholders create a more sustainable future
In the drive for sustainability, aerospace OEMs are charged with leading the most challenging aviation revolution ever. Airframers must invest in new materials, optimised aerodynamics and lightweight designs. Aeroengine manufacturers are developing new powertrain concepts and investigating the potential of sustainable aviation fuels.
Navigating this shift with aircraft production still in backlog — even after the 2020 pandemic — places unprecedented pressures on aerospace OEMs already tasked with aviation safety. Digitalising workflows with Hexagon’s smart manufacturing solutions offers aerospace OEMs the potential to innovate faster while shortening manufacturing cycles.
The aerospace supply chain has a key role to play in delivering the new generation of greener aircraft. However, changing technology is disruptive to established operating models. Aerospace suppliers therefore need to build resilient, agile workflows in order to adapt to changing demands and remain relevant to the businesses they supply.
Hexagon’s smart manufacturing solutions enable aerospace suppliers to become part of the industry’s digital thread and work more effectively with OEMs. From virtual process validation and accurate cost estimation to production and inspection solutions that ensure OEM requirements are met, Hexagon digitally connects the aerospace supply chain.
From airports and ground operations to aircraft in flight, safety is paramount for aerospace operators. Digitalisation is enabling airlines, airports and security agencies to take a more connected approach to security while supporting aircraft operations and maintenance.
Hexagon’s safety and infrastructure solutions help airports protect people, infrastructure and cargo, while ensuring efficient operations and continuity of service. Our smart manufacturing technologies drive productivity in aircraft development and production and make data from design and manufacturing accessible for MRO operations. We also provide a certified level of positioning integrity for aircraft navigation.