Adams student edition
Simulation de dynamique multicorps

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Adams est le logiciel de dynamique multicorps et d'analyse de mouvements le plus utilisé au monde. Adams permet aux ingénieurs d'étudier la dynamique des pièces en mouvement et la répartition des charges et des forces dans des systèmes mécaniques, afin d'optimiser les performances de leurs produits.
Le logiciel de dynamique multicorps Adams permet aux ingénieurs de créer et tester aisément des prototypes virtuels de systèmes mécaniques, et ceci pour une fraction du temps et du coût nécessaires à la fabrication et aux essais d'un prototype physique. Contrairement à la plupart des outils de CAO intégrés, Adams intègre les lois physiques réelles en résolvant simultanément des équations cinématiques, statiques, quasi-statiques et dynamiques. Grâce à sa technologie de solutions dynamiques multicorps, Adams est en mesure d'exécuter des dynamiques non linéaires beaucoup plus rapidement que les solutions d'analyse par la méthode des éléments finis. Les charges et les forces calculées par simulation dans Adams améliorent la précision de l'analyse par la méthode des éléments finis en assurant une meilleure évaluation de leurs variations au sein d'une palette complète de mouvements et d'environnements.
ADM701: Complete Multibody Dynamics Analysis with Adams
40 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Beginner: This course provides a foundation of skills needed to begin using Adams' powerful virtual prototyping, testing and visualization capabilities. -
ADM702: Fundamentals of Multibody Dynamics Analysis with Adams
16 hours – Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Beginner: This course provides a basic understanding of Adams Solver and Adams View. This course is a pre-requisite for Adams Car (ADM740) and/or Adams Chassis (ADM761) training classes. Presented in this class are all of the basics of building models in Adams View (PARTs, JOINTs, MOTIONs, forces, function expressions, simulation types), running simulations with Adams Solver and simple plotting with Adams PostProcessor. Users who intend to do moderate model creation/optimization in either Adams View or Adams Car Template Builder are strongly encouraged to take the ADM701 Complete Multibody Dynamics Analysis with Adams class instead of this one. -
ADM703A: Advanced Modeling Elements and Techniques with Adams Solver
8 hours – Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops and Model Files
About this Course:Advanced: This class is intended for moderately experienced Adams users wanting to expand their knowledge of advanced modeling elements and techniques in Adams Solver. Advanced modeling elements are entities such as the discrete flex link in Adams View, the general constraint (GCON) and the differential equation (DIFF) elements. The use of these elements with scripting & function expression logic, new SENSOR functionality and advanced function expressions in Adams Solver will be discussed.
ADM703B: Adams Solver Theory: Achieving Robust, Converged Solutions
16 hours – Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops and Model Files
About this Course:
Intermediate: This course provides knowledge of Adams Solver theory with an emphasis on tying theoretical concepts back to Adams Solver solutions settings (ERROR, HMAC, SI2, MAXIT, etc.). Strategies for creating robust models and sensible solution control settings are a focus. The various phases of solution (statics, kinematics, dynamics) are covered in detail and best practices for each are identified. -
ADM703C: Writing User Subroutines in Adams Solver
8 hours – Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops and Model Files
About this Course:
Advanced: This course teaches how to create Adams Solver user subroutines. Initial setup with pre-existing libraries is considered, followed by the types of Adams Solver elements, which can be over-ridden. Dealing with user input is considered along with usage of the many built-in utility subroutines. Querying Adams Solver for system state information (displacements, velocities, forces, etc.) is covered in detail, followed by initialization (FLAG) and differencing (DFLAG) considerations.
ADM704A: Advanced Parametrics, Design Sensitivity, and Optimization using Adams View
16 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Beginner: This course teaches how to parameterize a model in order to determine how different modeling parameters influence the design and how to iterate on those to achieve the optimal design using Design Studies, Design of Experiments (DOE) and Optimization capabilities in Adams View. -
ADM704B: Automating Tasks using Adams View Scripting, Macros, and GUI Customization
16 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Beginner: This course teaches how to automate tasks in Adams View for efficiency. The Adams View Command Language is studied in detail along with looping, macros and the creation of custom menus and dialog boxes. -
ADM705: Python Scripting in Adams
Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops with Model FilesThis class is both an introduction to the Python programming language and the Adams Python interface API. The Python introduction section has comprehensive background and examples on:
- Basic types, lists, dictionaries
- List comprehensions, filtering & sorting.
- Logic, flow control & looping
- Functions, automatic documentation
- Object oriented methods using class structures
- File handling, string processing & efficient search
The Adams Python-specific content includes:
- The class structure in Adams
- Getting object references, setting properties
- Creating new elements, iterating through existing collections
- Examples of cmd script translations.
ADM706: Adams Explore
Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops with Model FilesTopics Covered:
- The Workbook Format
- Submitting and Handling Jobs
- Working with the Web Server and Job Server
- Functionality for Adams Analyst and Adams Experts
ADM710: Flex Body Dynamics and Modal Stress Recovery using Adams
24 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Beginner: This course teaches how to use Adams Flex to incorporate flexibility into your Adams models and is primarily focused on using component modal synthesis via the Modal Neutral File (MNF) and Adams View. -
ADM711: Control System Integration with Adams using MATLAB or Easy5
16 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Beginner: This course teaches how to connect your Adams model to control systems developed in MATLAB or Easy5. Techniques for combining linear, nonlinear, continuous and sampled control systems with your Adams model are presented, along with tutorials. Converting your MATLAB or Easy5 model into a native Adams entity via Control System Import to run the combined model completely within Adams will also be discussed. Other topics presented include an overview of all System Elements, including State Variables, Differential Equations, Linear State Equations, and General State Equations to develop models (e.g. control systems) supplemental to your mechanical model. -
ADM720: Frequency Domain Analysis using Adams Vibration
8 hours – Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops and Model Files
About this Course:
Beginner: This course teaches how to perform frequency-domain analysis. Using Adams Vibration, you can study forced vibrations within the Adams model at isolated instances. The results from Adams Vibration can be used in noise/vibration/harshness (NVH) studies. -
ADM730: Design of Experiments (DOE) and Stochastics (Monte Carlo) Analysis using Adams
8 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Intermediate: This course teaches how to create factors and responses in your model, understand how Design Variable range settings work, create complex response definitions in Adams, understand DOE Screening/Response Surface Strategies, become comfortable with DOE output statistics, create Monte Carlo variation studies and effectively create and run large design variation studies. -
ADM740: Vehicle Modeling and Simulation using Adams Car
32 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Beginner to Intermediate: This course provides a comprehensive overview of Adams Car that ranges from the basics of subsystem adjustment through to progressively more advanced topics such as event creation, template creation, tire selection, control system integration, flexible body swapping and much more. -
ADM741: Vehicle Modeling and Simulation using Adams Driveline
8 hours – Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops and Model Files
About this Course:
Beginner: This course teaches how to create assemblies of suspensions and full vehicles, including driveline components, and then analyze them to understand their performance and behavior. Presented in the class are all the basics of building models in Adams Driveline (engine, gearbox, prop shafts and differentials), running simulations and simple plotting with Adams PostProcessor. -
ADM742: Adams Tire
16 hours – Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops and Model FilesTopics Covered:
- Introduction and Overview
- Tire Modeling Important Aspects
- Tire Testrig and contact Models
- Road Model Comparison and Road Builder
- Tire Model Parameters
ADM743: Formula SAE Applications using Adams Car
8 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Beginner: This course teaches Adams Car for Formula SAE (FSAE) competition students. Students will learn how to customize the FSAE database example and analyze vehicle kinematics and dynamics with Adams Car. -
ADM744: Adams Car Driving Machine
Course Overview: The Adams Car Driving Machine is used to perform full-vehicle analyses. The Driving Machine drives your virtual vehicle according to your instructions much like a test driver would drive an actual vehicle.
This class is a comprehensive overview of Adams Car driver that ranges from the basics of driving machine to progressively more advanced topics such as steering controls, gear -clutch, throttle-brake controls, smartdriver and much more.
Pre- Requisites: ADM740 - Adams Car
Topics covered:
- Fundamentals of driving machine
- Open loop Control
- Closed Loop machine control
- Adams Smartdriver
ADM745: Adams Car Electric Vehicle Modeling
Course Description: Using Adams Car and Easy5 to model electric vehicle motor & powertrain configurations. Incorporating electric motor models into the vehicle model using the Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) standard. Merging Driver Assist System (DAS) models into an existing Adams Car model.
Pre-requisites (if any): ADM740 (Adams Car), ADM711 (Adams Controls)
Topics Covered:
- Adams Car templates for managing different eMotor configurations (FWD, RWD, AWD)
- eMotor creation using spline-based methods
- eMotor creation using detailed FMU models from other packages (Matlab, Easy5, MapleSim, etc)
- Regenerative braking implementation in Adams Car
- Driver Assist System (DAS) integration using the FMI standard (Torque Vectoring model created in Easy5)
Version: 2021.0.1 or higher
ADM750: Gear, Belt, and Chain Modeling with Adams Machinery
8 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials with audio from Subject Matter Experts, Workshops with Model Files, and Demo Videos
About this Course:
Beginner: This course teaches how to build detailed models containing belts, chains or gears with Adams Machinery. -
ADM761: Basic Suspension and Full Vehicle Analysis using Adams Chassis
8 hours – Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops and Model Files
About this Course:
Beginner: This course teaches how to perform Basic Suspension and Full Vehicle Analysis using Adams Chassis. -
ADM7N2: Adams Tracked Vehicle
Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops with Model FilesTopics Covered:
- Welcome to Adams Tracked Vehicle Training
- Introducing Adams Tracked Vehicle
- Basic Concepts
- Creating and Adjusting Subsystems
- Creating and Simulating Suspensions
- Creating and Simulating Full Vehicles
- Track System Setup
- String Track
- Soft Soil
- Building Templates
- Adams Tracked Vehicle Components
- Communicators
- Importing CAD Geometry
- Using Flexible Bodies
- Exploring Templates
ADN701: Adams Modeler Overview
About this Course:
This course gives a general overview of the main capabilities and workflows of Adams Modeler. It covers, the user interface, model creation, simulation, results review, integration with the Adams View interface mode and creation of linear flexible bodies.Pre- Requisites
ADM701 (Complete Multibody Dynamics Analysis with Adams) and ADM710 (Flex Body Dynamics and Model Stress Recovery using Adams)Topics covered
- Adams Modeler Interface,
- CAD Body Editing,
- Joints, Motions, Function Expressions,
- Contacts and Generative Behavior,
- Flexible Body Import
- Flexible Body Generation
GAT101: Advance drivetrain modelling with Adam Gear AT
16 hours - Online Self-Paced Course
Course Materials, Workshops and Model FilesAbout this Course:
This course will give you the foundation of skills you'll need to use Adams' plugin Gear AT. This base course explains the theory behind the plugin, advantages, difference and consistency to classical approaches. Also, you are guided through the first steps of practical usage of Gear AT.Topics Covered:
- Short summary of available approaches to simulate/calculate gears
- Description of the technology/workflow to simulate gears in Gear AT
- Step-by-step tutorial how to create correct gear shapes
- Step-by-step tutorial how to create Gear AT gears for Adams
- Step-by-step tutorial how to set up gear meshing behavior
- Description of the available methods to apply topology modifications and manufacturing errors
- Step-by-step tutorial how to define and apply shape modifications
- Introduction, how to evaluate gear specific results
- Adams Academic Forum
- MSC Software Facebook
- Getting Started with Adams 2013 Student Edition
- MSC Adams Video Introduction
- Adams/Car for Vehicle Simulations
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- Four Bar Linkage Motion Simulation in MD Adams
- Virtual Prototyping Solutions for the Wind Energy Industry
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- Blog Posts
- Introduction to Adams/Car for Formula SAE
- Vehicle Engineering with Adams
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