Explore Hexagon Geosystems division partner directory

Geosystem division partner and partner programmes
The partners in our programme help you make the most of our products, capabilities and complete solutions.
Partnering for enhanced solutions
Hexagon partners with industry-leading technology and solution providers that understand the needs of our customers.
Our partners provide unique expertise that complement Hexagon solutions for additional customer benefits.
Partners and OEMs
We believe in the power of collaboration. Partner with us and shape the digital transformation of heavy construction.
IWMS Software Partner
IWMS Software Partner
IWMS software solutions to optimise facilities management and maintenance.
HxGN Content Program
Become an authorised reseller
Drive more opportunities by partnering with the world's largest aerial data provider.
HxGN Content Programme
HxGN Content program partners
Our global network of partners enables you to make smarter, data-driven decisions with ease.