Assured positioning, navigation and timing
Assured positioning, navigation and timing (APNT) solutions.
Assured positioning, navigation and timing (APNT) means your system is trustworthy and reliable across environments and resilient against GNSS interruptions and interference. We enable APNT through anti-jam technology, resiliency firmware and the deep coupling of GNSS and inertial measurements.
Enable APNT in your system
What is APNT?
Be proactive
PNT resiliency
APNT means a resilient system you can trust
To have assured positioning, navigation and timing (APNT), you need to trust that your positioning solution is reliable, accurate and resilient no matter the environment.
For defence applications, that means a system that provides situational awareness and resilient protection against interference, jamming and spoofing. APNT also requires a level of robustness against GNSS interruptions and outages.
Our solutions enable APNT through:
- Anti-jam solutions protecting against jamming and interference
- GNSS resilience and integrity technology (GRIT) building interference resiliency into your hardware through a suite of firmware
- SPAN GNSS+INS technology deeply coupling GNSS and inertial navigation systems (INS) for resiliency through signal interruptions and rapid reconvergence after outages
- Situational awareness characterising interference and jamming sources in your environment before they impact you
Build a system you can trust through our APNT solutions.

Gain situational awareness
Situational awareness allows you to understand and respond quickly to the APNT threats in your environment.
Cyber-electromagnetic activities like interference and jamming can threaten your APNT solution by degrading, denying or falsifying GNSS signals. By identifying what threats exist and where they are, you can better prepare your system.
Firmware in our GNSS Resilience and Integrity Technology (GRIT) suite, like our interference toolkit, spoofing detection or time-tagged digitised samples, provide insights into what interference or jamming sources are near you. You can identify, mitigate and resolve sources before they impact your system.
Our GPS Anti-jam Technology (GAJT) portfolio also includes jammer direction-finding capabilities for additional insight about interference in your area.

Building resiliency for assured PNT
A resilient system is better able to withstand GNSS interruptions and interference from an increasingly crowded radio frequency spectrum and growing threats of jamming and spoofing. The more resilient your system, the more trusted and assured your positioning, navigation and timing.
We build resiliency through:
- SPAN GNSS+INS technology enabling rapid reacquisition of GNSS signals after outages so your system is better able to withstand short interruptions by using inertial measurements to support the accuracy of an absolute GNSS position
- GRIT firmware providing situational awareness of interference, jamming and spoofing sources while also encouraging users to develop interference location algorithms to characterise their environments
- GPS Anti-jam Technology (GAJT) featuring interference and jamming protection alongside jammer direction-finding capabilities

We’re climbing the automation curve
Our transition to Intelligent automation is accelerating. Ultimately, our innovations will give rise to new technologies and applications - many of which we’ve yet to imagine. Today, every Hexagon solution is mapped and tagged according to its level of automation, so customers can clearly track our progress towards the freedom of autonomy.
Products that make an environmental impact in forest monitoring, material reusability, farming or water usage.
Products that make an environmental impact in renewable energy, noise pollution elimination and e-mobility.
Products that make an environmental impact in saving our oceans, reducing pollution and increasing access to clean water.