Actran VibroAcoustics

Actran VibroAcoustics
A robust, reliable, and high performing vibro-acoustic CAE module
Ready to learn more?
In order to study the interaction of structural vibration with the adjacent fluid, it is necessary to model the acoustic behavior of the involved structural components. This can be achieved with the rich material library of Actran, that includes the conventional material for acoustic or visco-elastic media, porous or incompressible media, composite materials or active components like piezo-electric ceramics. If you prefer, a modal basis of the structure may also be imported from most structural FEA codes.
With the ability to simulate realistic modeling boundary conditions by combining dynamic, kinematic and acoustic constraints, as well as physical excitations like diffuse sound field and turbulent boundary layer, you can obtain accurate representation of the acoustic performance of your designs. In addition, you also have the ability to combine this capability with Actran AeroAcoustics to giving you the ability to model complex aero-vibro-acoustic problems.
Sample applications:
- Automotive: Noise related problems from powertrains, intakes, exhausts, passenger compartment, trim, seats, hoses, tires, windows and windshields, audio, HVAC.
- Aerospace: Sound transmission through cockpit and fuselage, noise propagation in air distribution system, response to TBL excitation, random dynamic response of rocket payload at take-off.
- Consumer goods: Telephones, headsets, loudspeakers, hearing aid devices, disk drives, washing machines, refrigerators, cameras.
- Defense: Underwater acoustics, sonars.
Learn more about Actran products and services at
e-bookSolving Engineering Acoustic Challenges
e-bookNVH targets eBook
Application reportNoise, vibration and harshness (NVH) for electric
Case studies
Case studyFine-tuning electric car acoustics to enhance safety
Case studyMaking solar panels ready for lift-off
Case studyChina Railway Design Corporation: Attenuation predict..
Case studyChina Motor Corporation: Pass-by noise sources...
Case studyAutoneum: Unleashing the new era of NVH simulation
Case studyHyundai: Actran helps reduce time...
Case studyRenault anticipates design requirements with Actran...
Case studyDura Automotive Systems: Actran helps evaluate spare...
Case studyRoyal Enfield: Motorbike pass-by noise
Case studyThales Alenia Space: Predicting mechanical shock...
Case studyTenneco Inc.: Exhaust active noise cancellation
Case studyAirbus Defence and Space: Actran helps predict vibro...
Case studyMcMaster University: Actran induces optimization...
Case studyAlpha cabin: Evaluating acoustic properties porous...
Case studySchindler: Driving elevator design through simulation
Case studySatven: AI/ML based trimmed body NTF...
Case studyAirbus: Simulation optimizes acoustic liners reduces...
Case studyHow BAIC optimized car-body damping by simulation
Case studyFS Dynamics
Case studySimulating and validating loudspeakers
Case studyMarquardt: Acoustic simulation of automotive switches
Case studyBelgian building research institute: Actran helps...
Case studyHEAD Acoustics: Using simulation to optimize...
Case studyPredicting the Acoustic Signature of Powertrains
Case studyScania Bus: Actran increasing comfort...
Case studyAnalysis of Acoustic Behaviour of Louvers using Actran
Case studyMultiphysics: Efficient aeroacoustic modelling...
Case studyCNH Industrial: Actran helps reduce time...
Case studySNCF trains: Travel quietly and sustainably
Case studyGeneral Motors: Comfortable eV design, frequency shift
Case studyEcole Centrale Lyon: Tackling jet noise adjoint wave...
Case studyAcoustic design of enclosures to minimize noise
Case studyDura Automotive Systems maintains acoustic...
VideoACTRAN | Acoustic Radiation Analysis
VideoACTRAN | Reduce Noise and Improve Sound Quality
VideoACTRAN | Simulation & Optimization of Acoustic Treat...
VideoACTRAN | Solving higher frequency acoustic radiation...
VideoIntroduction to Actran Student Edition
VideoACTRAN | Acoustic Simulation for the Aeronautical...
VideoACTRAN | Fully coupled vibro-acoustic simulations
VideoACTRAN | Intake & Exhaust Systems
VideoACTRAN | Acoustic Simulation of Duct, Intake & Exh..
VideoACTRAN | Noise Prediction Moving Mechanisms Coupled...
VideoACTRAN | Acoustic Study of an Aircraft Engine
VideoACTRAN | Simulation & Optimization of Acoustic Trans...
On-demand webinars
WebinarAcoustic Transparency
WebinarEngineering Simulation: Improve acoustic comfort
WebinarHow to facilitate Aeroacoustics CAE
WebinarAcoustic Transparency Calculation
WebinarHow to improve acoustic interior comfort?
WebinarDuct Acoustics
WebinarWrap-Up and Introduction to Actran JumpStart
WebinarAcoustic performances in real-time
WebinarAcoustic Radiation
WebinarAcoustic simulation using customized interfaces
WebinarDesigning a quieter & more sustainable world
WebinarAcoustics Radiation
WebinarAddressing the future of global noise challenges
WebinarDuct Acoustics
WebinarAcoustic Transparency
WebinarAcoustic Radiation
WebinarAcoustics Industrial Context & Challenges
WebinarIndustrial Context & Challenges
WebinarAccelerate your acoustic simulations
WebinarIndustrial Context & Challenges
WebinarIntroduction to Actran Jumpstart
WebinarHow to improve acoustic interior comfort?
WebinarDuct Acoustics
WebinarHigh Frequency Vibroacoustics
WebinarIndustrial Context Challenges
WebinarAcoustic Radiation
WebinarAcoustic Transparency
WebinarAddressing the future of global noise challenges
WebinarVehicle pass-by noise compliance
WebinarAddressing the NVH Challenges of Future Transportation