Actran AeroAcoustics

Actran AeroAcoustics
Predicting the noise generated by complex flows
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Whether noise comes from an air conditioning system, a rotating fan, or any other device that creates noise through turbulent flows, the sound generation and propagation mechanisms must be addressed to satisfy the ever increasing customer quality expectations. These systems are often required to operate for extended periods of time. Even low noise levels can significantly degrade the comfort for the user. With Actran, engineers from all industries have tools to predict and understand how to design quiet workplaces, quiet car and aircraft interiors, or silent electronic devices.
Actran AeroAcoustics is a module that features advanced capabilities to predict accurate and efficient noise generation of turbulent flows. Results from an unsteady flow simulation performed with CFD codes such as MSC's SC/Tetra™, Fluent™, Star-CD™, StarCCM+™, Powerflow™, OpenFOAM™ and others are used by Actran AeroAcoustics to compute aerodynamic noise sources. The acoustic propagation from these aerodynamic sources are then computed to provide users with acoustic results such as noise levels and directivity.
Using Actran AeroAcoustics, the noise generated by any turbulent flow can be thoroughly predicted. Users can benefit from all features of the Actran software suite to study the interaction between the aeroacoustic noise sources and a vibrating structure, absorbent materials, or acoustic traps such as resonators.
Applications for Actran AeroAcoustics include rotating fans, air conditioning modules and side mirrors. It provides users with a complete understanding of the physical phenomena involved in the noise creation process.
Actran AeroAcoustics offers high performance solvers and parallel processing features with full integration in the Actran pre- and post-processing environment, Actran VI. It can also be combined with Actran VibroAcoustics in order to address aero-vibro-acoustic challenges such as side mirror noise.
e-bookSolving Engineering Acoustic Challenges
e-bookNVH targets eBook
e-bookSeize success in EV manufacturing
ArticleSound Attenuation Prediction of High Speed Railway...
BrochureActran brochure
Case studies
Case studyFaster testing and virtual validation of access
Case studyMaking solar panels ready for lift-off
Case studyChina Railway Design Corporation: Attenuation predict..
Case studyChina Motor Corporation: Pass-by noise sources...
Case studyAutoneum: Unleashing the new era of NVH simulation
Case studyRenault anticipates design requirements with Actran...
Case studyDura Automotive Systems: Actran helps evaluate spare...
Case studyThales Alenia Space: Predicting mechanical shock...
Case studyTenneco Inc.: Exhaust active noise cancellation
Case studyAirbus Defence and Space: Actran helps predict vibro...
Case studyMeta: Optimising storage server chassis...
Case studyAlpha cabin: Evaluating acoustic properties porous...
Case studySchindler: Driving elevator design through simulation
Case studySatven: AI/ML based trimmed body NTF...
Case studyAirbus: Simulation optimizes acoustic liners reduces...
Case studyHow BAIC optimized car-body damping by simulation
Case studyAirbus: Aircraft engine noise simulation...
Case studyAvio ensure the VEGA launcher's structural integrity
Case studySimulating and validating loudspeakers
Case studyYamaha: A vision of sound
Case studyBelgian building research institute: Actran helps...
Case studyHEAD Acoustics: Using simulation to optimize...
Case studyAnalysis of Acoustic Behaviour of Louvers using Actran
Case studyMultiphysics: Efficient aeroacoustic modelling...
Case studyCNH Industrial: Actran helps reduce time...
Case studySNCF trains: Travel quietly and sustainably
Case studyGeneral Motors: Comfortable eV design, frequency shift
Case studyEcole Centrale Lyon: Tackling jet noise adjoint wave...
Case studyDura Automotive Systems maintains acoustic...
VideoACTRAN | Acoustic Radiation Analysis
VideoACTRAN | Reduce Noise and Improve Sound Quality
VideoACTRAN | Simulation & Optimization of Acoustic Treat...
VideoACTRAN | Solving higher frequency acoustic radiation...
VideoIntroduction to Actran Student Edition
VideoACTRAN | Acoustic Simulation for the Aeronautical...
VideoACTRAN | Introduction to Aero-Acoustic Analysis
VideoACTRAN | Intake & Exhaust Systems
VideoACTRAN | Acoustic Simulation of Duct, Intake & Exh..
VideoACTRAN | Noise Prediction Moving Mechanisms Coupled...
VideoACTRAN | Acoustic Study of an Aircraft Engine
VideoSC/Tetra & Actran - Vehicle Wind Noise: Aero-acoustics
VideoACTRAN | Simulation & Optimization of Acoustic Trans...
On-demand webinars
WebinarAcoustic Transparency
WebinarEngineering Simulation: Improve acoustic comfort
WebinarHow to facilitate Aeroacoustics CAE
WebinarAcoustic Transparency Calculation
WebinarHow to improve acoustic interior comfort?
WebinarDuct Acoustics
WebinarWrap-Up and Introduction to Actran JumpStart
WebinarAcoustic performances in real-time
WebinarAcoustic Radiation
WebinarAcoustic simulation using customized interfaces
WebinarDesigning a quieter & more sustainable world
WebinarAcoustics Radiation
WebinarAddressing the future of global noise challenges
WebinarDuct Acoustics
WebinarAcoustic Transparency
WebinarAcoustic Radiation
WebinarAcoustics Industrial Context & Challenges
WebinarAccelerate your acoustic simulations
WebinarIndustrial Context & Challenges
WebinarIntroduction to Actran Jumpstart
WebinarHow to improve acoustic interior comfort?
WebinarDuct Acoustics
WebinarHigh Frequency Vibroacoustics
WebinarIndustrial Context Challenges
WebinarAcoustic Radiation
WebinarAcoustic Transparency
WebinarAddressing the future of global noise challenges
WebinarVehicle pass-by noise compliance
WebinarHow to facilitate Aeroacoustics CAE
WebinarAddressing the NVH Challenges of Future Transportation