Process your solid models and assemblies and prepare for manufacture

Import, prepare, manufacture
xSolids works with nearly any 3rd party format to streamline your part processing.
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Product capabilities
Key features
- Import solid models
- Import solid assemblies
- Import multibody parts
- Automatically save solid bodies to individual files
- Define solid tooling, including holders, aggregates and turrets
- Apply toolpaths directly to solid models or solid face selection
- Automatic feature recognition
- Geometry extraction for applying toolpaths
- Advanced querying for identifying predefined features
- Export solid CAD models.
Extensive range of CAD translators
The extensive range of translators ensures that you can work with data from almost any supplier. Very large files can be handled with ease and companies working with complex designs will benefit from the simplicity with which their customer’s CAD data can be manipulated.
- Catia V4 & V5
- Pro/ENGINEER and PTC Creo
- Autodesk Inventor
- Siemens NX
- SolidWorks Solid Edge
- Sketchup
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe PostScript
- Spaceclaim