Polymer additive manufacturing

Digimat offers a dedicated solution for additive manufacturing of plastics and composite materials. It helps process engineers anticipate and overcome manufacturing issues with the adoption of warpage compensation strategies that enable first time right prints. Sensitivity analyses allow to assess the effect of process parameters on the prediction of warpage, residual stresses, temperature fields, crystallinity evolutions, layer adhesion, porosity and many more. Integrated within a holistic approach that combines material modelling, process manufacturing and structural part performance, the behaviour of these high-performance printing materials can be analysed to optimise the productivity and the quality of the printed parts.
Key capabilities and benefits:
- Benefit from printing machines and materials databases
- Reproduce the SLS, FFF or FDM printing process and predict the as-printed warpage and residual stresses
- Tune material properties and process parameters through sensitivity analyses to account for variability and manufacturing defects
- Reduce hundreds of trials and errors in a couple of clicks to optimise the part’s productivity and structural performance
- Enjoy a streamlined user interface with guided workflows as well as a dedicated FDM wizard for a fast setup of the analyses
Tools and solutions:

Digimat-AM simulates and optimises the selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modelling (FDM), fused filament fabrication (FFF) processes of polymers and composites.