Satellite technology: Lightweight construction for weightless conditions
Creating bionic structures for maximising payload of space equipment by means of generative design
Less weight equals more payload
To send technical equipment into space requires a particularly high degree of lightweight construction. Generative design allows these complex optimisation processes to be significantly simplified and automated

The launch of a rocket into space is not just an impressive event, it is also impressively costly. It is all the more vital that every satellite has the lowest possible weight in order to make best use of the available payload. The problem is that structural components are not developed until the last stages of product development, but need to be available at a very early stage in the assembly process. The realization of lightweight construction concepts in short development cycles is very hard to achieve with classic topology optimisation. But the innovative optimisation algorithms in MSC Apex Generative Design now allow optimised structural components for satellite construction to be realized even under severe time pressure. Read how Tesat Spacecom utilised this powerful tool to quickly generate lightweight components for successful satellite development!