Aero engine nacelle acoustic performance simulation
Simulation and analysis software to accurately model and optimise aero engine nacelle acoustic performance
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As airlines increasingly compete on passenger experience, reducing noise is a key concern for next-generation aircraft design. Meanwhile, stringent regulations are in place to manage noise pollution generated by growing levels of air traffic, which affect millions of people worldwide living near airports.
An aircraft’s final certification depends on aero engine and nacelle manufacturers and aircraft OEMs meeting mandatory acoustic standards, which apply to measurements of an aircraft’s take-off, sideline and approach noise levels.
Turbofan engine fan noise is one of greatest sources of sound during take-off and approach, and aircraft manufacturers use engine nacelle acoustic liners to reduce it. These nacelle liners must be light, fit into a very limited space within a nacelle’s complex geometry, and be durable despite difficult environmental conditions.
Testing nacelle liners on finished products is time-consuming and costly, which is why manufacturers use simulation tools. But to be effective, an acoustic simulation tool has to accurately account for variables including convected acoustics in both near field and far field; represent engine source excitation; and model the acoustic linear effects, all within complex geometries and while meeting industry standards.
Hexagon’s acoustic simulation software has been specifically designed to optimise the acoustic performance of nacelles and won the Peter Lord Award from the UK’s Institute of Acoustics.
An aircraft’s final certification depends on aero engine and nacelle manufacturers and aircraft OEMs meeting mandatory acoustic standards, which apply to measurements of an aircraft’s take-off, sideline and approach noise levels.
Turbofan engine fan noise is one of greatest sources of sound during take-off and approach, and aircraft manufacturers use engine nacelle acoustic liners to reduce it. These nacelle liners must be light, fit into a very limited space within a nacelle’s complex geometry, and be durable despite difficult environmental conditions.
Testing nacelle liners on finished products is time-consuming and costly, which is why manufacturers use simulation tools. But to be effective, an acoustic simulation tool has to accurately account for variables including convected acoustics in both near field and far field; represent engine source excitation; and model the acoustic linear effects, all within complex geometries and while meeting industry standards.
Hexagon’s acoustic simulation software has been specifically designed to optimise the acoustic performance of nacelles and won the Peter Lord Award from the UK’s Institute of Acoustics.
Our solutions
Explore Hexagon solutions for aero engine nacelle acoustic performance simulation
Acoustic simulation software
A powerful computer-aided engineering (CAE) tool for turbomachinery noise prediction, Actran TM is ideal for modelling nacelle acoustic performance.
Noise propagation modelling
Actran DGM simulation software predicts noise propagation in complex physical conditions, making it ideal for modelling rear fan noise in aero engines.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software
scFlow thermo-fluid analysis software helps engineers assess the thermodynamic performance of aero...
Case studies
See how Hexagon’s acoustic simulation solutions are used in the aerospace industry
Reducing aircraft noise
Read how Actran simulation helped Airbus optimise acoustic liners to reduce aircraft noise and improve passenger experience.