HxGN AgrOn Logistics Support Planning: Optimisation and coordination system for the production support resources
Optimisation and coordination system for the production support resources.

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System for optimisation, coordination and management of the fleet resources to support the company's production operations, allocating and routing the movements of road trains (supply and maintenance) and transport trucks (boards and cranes). AgrOn Support Logistics Planning aims to guarantee the fulfilment of all the demands of support to the field productive machines, reducing their downtime while optimising the distance travelled by the support trucks.
- Generates daily itineraries for moving the fleet of support trucks.
- Contributes directly to increasing the total availability time of production machines.
- Drivers' working time management according to labour restrictions.
- Generates dedicated optimisation models for the train, workshop, plank and crane trucks.
- Enables intelligent driving of support vehicles for efficient and just-in-time supply.
- Scheduling preventive maintenance to avoid unplanned downtime.
- It improves the management of the support vehicles that maintain the primary machines for use in cultivation and harvesting.
- Reduction of the total mileage travelled by the ideal sequencing of the movement routes.
- Guarantee of supply and maintenance directly on the work fronts.
- Guarantee of uninterrupted delivery of raw materials.
- Optimisation in up to 15% of support fleets.
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System that performs the planning of agricultural and forestry operations through service orders.
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