Easy handling of heavy tasks: Optimisation and design of light-weight crimping tool
Product design can be purely functional or primarily meet aesthetic criteria. Combining both these approaches, can result in highly functional and yet visually appealing designs
Weight reduction meets aesthetic design
When using optimisation to visualise the force flows, the component is not styled without context, but the design is semantically supported, and validated by the software.

There are various methods for finding the right form. Sometimes the form follow the function. Sometimes emotions are targeted. Similarly, existing construction spaces are played with, or flows are simulated or brand-defining character attributes are reflected. In a cooperation project with Hexagon, design experts Tino Kalettka and Hendrik Nater experimented with the possibilities of generative design as a starting point for creating form.
A crimping tool needs to withstand very high forces to crimp fittings and sockets so that crimping tools are made of a lot of material. But with Generative Design the design can be optimised, still meeting the strong requirements, yet also considering that a ligher tool is less exhausting for the worker. Read more about this kind of co-creation as a new design process in this case study!
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