Advanced Nonlinear Simulation Solution
Marc is ideal for product manufacturers looking for a robust nonlinear solution.

Simulate products more accurately with the industry’s leading nonlinear FEA solver technology
Marc for Plastics and Rubber
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Marc is ideal for product manufacturers looking for a robust nonlinear solution. It has capabilities to elegantly simulate all kinds of nonlinearities, namely geometric, material and boundary condition nonlinearity, including contact. It is also the only commercial solution that has robust manufacturing simulation and product testing simulation capabilities, with the ability to predict damage, failure and crack propagation. Combined with its multi-physics capabilities that help you couple thermal, electrical, magnetic and structural analyses, Marc is the complete solution that can address all your nonlinear simulation requirements.
Nonlinear and Multiphysics Solution
Marc, optimized for nonlinear analysis, delivers comprehensive, robust solution schemes to solve problems spanning the entire product lifespan, including manufacturing process simulation, design performance analysis, service load performance and failure analysis. These include:Nonlinear analysis that incorporates all forms of nonlinearities (Material, geometric, boundary condition including contact
- Thermal analysis
- Coupled thermomechanical analysis
- Electromagnetics
- Piezoelectric analysis
- Electrical-Thermal-Mechanical
- Electrostatics and Magnetostatics coupled with structural response
- Manufacturing processes like sheet metal forming, hydroforming, extrusion, blow molding, welding, induction heating, quenching, curing, cutting etc.
- Piezoelectric analysis with higher order 3D elements
Contact analysis
Investigate interaction between multiple components with Marc’s superior and intuitive contact modeling capability.
- Set up a contact model easily in 1-D, 2-D or 3-D, analyze and visualize the ever-changing component interaction.
- Gain modeling efficiency by avoiding the need for additional contact elements, contact pairs or slave-master definitions.
- Set up and investigate self-contact without additional modeling effort.
- Analyze effects of friction and related material changes with ease.
- Control contact behavior by the proximity of the geometric surfaces and thermal criteria
- Easily add, remove or modify Contact Table definitions using the Automatic Contact Detection method available in Marc.
- The search process starts based on a user defined or automatic contact tolerance.
Nonlinear materials
Choose from an extensive library of metallic and non-metallic material models, and a collection of over 200 elements for structural, thermal, multiphysics and fluid analyses to accurately model the materials used in your designs.Isotropic, orthotropic and anisotropic elasticity
- Isotropic and anisotropic plasticity
- Hyperelasticity (elastomeric materials)
- Time-dependent and time-independent behavior
- Powder metals, soils, concrete, shape memory alloys
- Solder, viscoplasticity, creep
- Composites
- Piezoelectricity
- User defined material models
- Extensive Material data fitting options for advanced material models such as rubbers, plastics thermoplastics and metals
- Material data can be stored into an encrypted material data file
Failure and damage
Select from a comprehensive set of failure models to study degradation and failure of metals, concrete, composites, and elastomers.
- Ductile damage
- Damage accumulation in elastomers
- Composite failure analysis
- Laminate bond failure
- Low tension cracking and crushing
- Fracture mechanics
- Crack propagation under monotonous, low cycle and high cycle loads
- User defined failure models
- Mesh independent damage prediction using Lemaitre model
Automatic remeshing
Achieve higher accuracy with less modeling effort with the help of automatic remeshing schemes that ensure high mesh quality in large deformation problems.
- Automatic remeshing for 2D and 3D models
- User specified criteria for mesh controls
- Beneficial to manufacturing process simulations and self-contact analyses
- Higher order 3D elements for better accuracy
Core solver technology
The proven nonlinear technology in Marc provides the confidence to develop robust and accurate solutions for a wide range of nonlinear problems.
- Localized convergence control to develop a better and more accurate solution.
- Best in class convergence methods
Case studies
Reliably simulating complex mechanical processes with Marc and Mentat
Milan-based manufacturer steps ahead of the competition by putting high heel designs through their paces with simulation software
Accurately solving postbuckling composite stiffened panels in Marc and MSC Nastran
DOCAN Co. – MSC Apex enables a rapid retrofit of an FPSO vessel without CAD geometry
Door seal behavior prediction and enhancement
Door closing event simulation using Adams Marc co-simulation
MSC's Marc helps ensure safe operation of subsea oil drilling
Marc helps solve complex welding problem to improve life of heat exchangers
Automotive supplier uses Marc to improve design of stamping tools
Gasket manufacturer delivers product 16 weeks earlier by reducing prototype iterations with Marc FEA simulations
Co-Simulation helps win order to supply seals for a new model vehicle
Failure prediction of hybrid UD/Woven laminated pin-loaded joints
Digimat-FE to identify anisotropic damping behavior of multi-phases materials
Effect of residual stresses induced by manufacturing process in discontinuous fiber composites (DFC) made part
Use of Digimat to simulate progressive failure in a T-stiffener accounting voids due to manufacturing defects
Marc accurately predicts results of dynamic tensile extrusion test
Adams-Marc co-Simulation provides efficient and accurate method of simulating misuse load events
Marc simulates welding of nuclear pressure vessel reactor nozzles
Adams-Marc co-simulation makes system analysis 15 times faster than pure nonlinear FEA analysis
The Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille
Extending the life of subsea drilling equipment
Nonlinear analysis accelerates development of non-pneumatic, non-solid tire for mining industry
Marc heat transfer analysis helps solve tough forging problem
BioSimulations, LLC - simulation of a molded elastomeric helical anchor nerve clamp
Litens Automotive Group - optimizing engine performance
Race-Tec Sealing Limited - high performance seals
ISEMP - curing of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP)
Diagnostic Simulations, Inc. - designing palatal implants
HBW/Netherlands - simulation leads to successful first-time operation of inflatable dam
Lego - engineers stretch their own creativity
Invernizzi Presse - simulation drives manufacturing press innovation
Guardian Automotive - simulation of automotive glass components
Design & engineering simulation solutions
Solve your complex thermal - mechanical simulations with Marc
Safer, higher quality elastomer products
Academic software structures bundle datasheet
Marc advanced modeling to simulate real-world behavior
Marc advanced nonlinear and multiphysics analysis
On-demand webinars
WebinarEngineering Simulation: Improve acoustic comfort
WebinarIntroducing Marc 2019
WebinarIntroducing Marc 2019 Feature Pack 1
WebinarWrap-Up and Introduction to Actran JumpStart
WebinarAcoustics Radiation
WebinarIntroducing Marc 2018
WebinarTurning "Digital Twin" Into Reality
WebinarCFD analysis highlights importance of C-19 precautions
WebinarSimulating the Reality by Considering Multiphysics
WebinarIntroduction to Actran Jumpstart
WebinarEnhance Safety and Reliability of Packer Seals
WebinarPredicting fatigue lifetimes
WebinarEngineering Simulation: Improve acoustic comfort
WebinarIntroducing Marc 2019
WebinarIntroducing Marc 2019 Feature Pack 1
WebinarWrap-Up and Introduction to Actran JumpStart
WebinarAcoustics Radiation
WebinarIntroducing Marc 2018
WebinarTurning "Digital Twin" Into Reality
WebinarCFD analysis highlights importance of C-19 precautions
WebinarSimulating the Reality by Considering Multiphysics
WebinarIntroduction to Actran Jumpstart
WebinarEnhance Safety and Reliability of Packer Seals
WebinarPredicting fatigue lifetimes
VideoLeveraging Simulation