PDAM Banjarmasih Implements Water Utility GIS for Facility Management
Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum supplies drinking water to Banjarmasin, Indonesia. It uses Hexagon's advanced GIS technology to analyze and maintain its asset data model based on the daily maintenance operations within the organization.

The Challenge
Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Banjarmasih, the local water utility company for the city of Banjarmasin, Indonesia, works to provide clean water to more than 600,000 residents. PDAM needed an accurate and reliable asset management system to monitor maintenance projects. It also needed help enhancing the customer service system that operates development projects on internal and external taps.
To achieve its goals of maintaining a clean water supply with a successful financial plan, PDAM Banjarmasih decided to re-evaluate its existing asset management system. Originally, its customer and billing system did not integrate with its enterprise resource planning system, causing an imbalance in financial statements throughout the organization. PDAM Banjarmasih also recognized the need to integrate its business processes; not only to consolidate its assets, but also to provide opportunities for collaboration within the organization.
The Solution
PT Geoinfo Teknologi, a partner of Hexagon's Safety & Infrastructure division, presented PDAM Banjarmasih with a system featuring Hexagon technology that could not only meet all its asset management needs, but also provide a complete, integrated water facility management system.
GeoInfo integrated PDAM Banjarmasih’s business processes into an open enterprise information architecture – encompassing billing and customer information, enterprise resource planning, and asset management into one consolidated environment. By implementing Hexagon’s advanced GIS technology, PDAM Banjarmasih can analyze and maintain its asset data model based on the daily maintenance operations within the organization.
With the Hexagon solution, PDAM Banjarmasih has dramatically improved its financial standings. As part of its strategic plan, it strives to be a borderless organization, creating a cloud-based system for all Indonesian water utilities via the Indonesian Water Supply Association (PERPAMSI). By reporting its success to other water utilities, PDAM Banjarmasih hopes to see other utilities opt into this integrated water system for better management of their assets, financial records, and daily operations.