Cradle CFD Student Edition

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New Generation CFD software with Multiphysics and General Purpose Capabilities


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Fastest and Easiest CFD software for Electronics and Architecture


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How to Register

  1. Ensure your personal machine meets the following requirements:
    • Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit and Windows 11
    • Graphics device: Graphics card that supports OpenGL
  2. Register here
  3. Receive approval in 1 week and download

Note, the Cradle CFD Student Edition is designed for small, academic simulations only. Therefore, the following limitations are applied:

  • No more than 1 million elements
  • No more than 1000 particles for Discrete Element Method
  • The maximum degree of parallelism is 2
  • Hybrid parallelism of scFLOW is unavailable

Download the Student Edition


The following e-Learning courses are available through a D&E e-Learning Subscription. Click here to learn how to register.

  • Advanced Postprocessing

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: SC/Tetra / scFLOW/scSTREAM / HeatDesigner

    This video is in the form of a case-study that bridges the gap between basic postprocessing and the creation of professional quality animations of your CFD results. The target audience is SC/Tetra, scSTREAM and HeatDesigner users who wish to extend their data visualization capabilities and products to an advanced level.

    Results from an scSTREAM simulation of magnetohydrodynamic flow are used to demonstrate advanced techniques such as moving viewpoints (including fly-through), moving visualization planes, particle motion, animated streamlines and cross-fade.

    Several component animations are generated from scratch by combining familiar basic visualization methods with more sophisticated techniques. The individual animations are then seamlessly merged to create the completed movie.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Advanced visualization techniques
    • Combining multiple Postprocessor functions for high quality animations
    • Moving viewpoints, moving planes, and animated streamlines
    • Close-up visualization of part of your domain
    • Assembling a movie from individual frames using BMP2AVI and cross-fade
    • Documentation of advanced Postprocessing techniques
    • Recommended prerequisite: One of the Cradle "Intermediate Series" (102-level) webinars

    Course Outline:

    1. Introduction
    2. Preview of the completed movie
    3. Overview of the component animations
    4. Detailed instructions and demonstrations for each animation
    5. Assembly of the completed movie
    6. Technical support and advanced Postprocessor documentation


  • Basics of CFD An Introduction to the Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: SC/Tetra / scFLOW/scSTREAM / HeatDesigner

    This video provides an introduction to the basic techniques, strategies, and theory of CFD.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • The computational solution of fluid flow and heat transfer processes
    • Benefits and common applications of CFD analysis
    • The CFD design cycle
    • The key components of a CFD analysis
    • Geometry cleaning and simplification
    • Different types of computational mesh
    • Different flow regimes, boundary conditions and analysis techniques
    • The impacts and modeling of turbulence
    • Steps to assure and evaluate the accuracy of a CFD analysis

    Course Outline:

    1. Overview of CFD
    2. Governing equations
    3. Material properties
    4. Laminar/turbulent flow
    5. Computational domain
    6. Computational mesh
    7. Boundary conditions
    8. Heat transfer
    9. Steady/transient simulations
    10. Visualization and evaluation of results
    11. When to use CFD
    12. Technical support


  • PICLS Training

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: PICLS

    This video will help to learn the operation of the PCB thermal analysis software PICLS for both the first-time users and the users who have learned/used before but want to learn more than basic operations.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • The background and purpose of using PICLS
    • Layout of gui, mouse operation and file structure
    • Basic theory inside of PICLS
    • Basic procedure to run the simulation
    • Procedure to run the simulation by importing ECAD files
    • The connection between PICLS and scSTREAM

    Course Outline:

    1. Introduction
    2. Basic theory of PICLS
    3. File structure
    4. Example 1
    5. Example 2
    6. Further simulation in scSTREAM
    7. Contact Technical Support

    Duration: 20 minutes

  • scFLOW Demonstration - Simple Thermo-Fluid Analysis

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: scFLOW

    The main objectives of this course are to enable attendees to become familiar with the operations of scFLOW. In this course, attendees will be able to learn the rough operations of scFLOW through the simple sample.

    Course Outline:

    1. Outline of Analysis in scFLOW
    2. Create Input data
    3. Execute Analysis
    4. Check output results
    5. About User Guides
  • scFLOW Introductory Seminar


    The main objectives of this course are to enable attendees to become familiar with the initial set-up of scFLOW. Attendees will also learn about available user resources including training.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Initial set-up and software configuration
    • Recommended training materials

    Course Outline:

    1. Initial settings and launching of scFLOW modules
    2. Recommended training
  • scSTREAM 102 - An Introduction to scSTREAM

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: scSTREAM

    The objective of this course is to introduce the novice scSTREAM user to intermediate level details of the set-up, execution and analysis of a typical thermo-fluid simulation in building design. The hands-on example concerns thermal management of interior living spaces.

    Recommended pre-requisite: scSTREAM 101 video

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Importing CAD data, material libraries and parts attributes
    • Defining geometry, materials and attributes using scSTREAM tools
    • Analysis settings for thermo-fluid simulation of living space
    • Monitoring the simulation during execution
    • Standard post-processing methods

    Course Outline:

    1. scSTREAM program structure and operational procedure
    2. Intermediate example: Hospital room
      • Importing data for geometry, materials and attributes
      • Setting analysis conditions
      • Mesh generation
      • Solver execution and monitoring
      • Intermediate post-processing
    3. Contacting the Technical Support team
    4. Additional Content
      • Setting up the hospital case manually (no imports)
  • scSTREAM for Architecture - At a Glance

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: scSTREAM

    The scSTREAM for Architecture - At a Glance webinar is designed to be the quickest way to learn about scSTREAM in the architecture industry!

    This presentation will cover:

    • Basics of CFD
    • Examples of CFD in architecture
    • Overview of scSTREAM
    • Functions directly related to architecture and building

    This presentation is intended to give the audience an overview of scSTREAM's functions and features. Specifically, this video is meant to inform architects and engineers in the architecture and building industry.

  • scSTREAM for Electronics 101 An Introduction

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: scSTREAM / HeatDesigner

    The main objectives of this course are to enable attendees to become more familiar with the initial set-up and basic operation of scSTREAM used for electronics applications.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Initial set-up and software configuration
    • Software structure and standard files
    • Using the scSTREAM interface
    • Basic operational procedure
    • Importing CAD data
    • Generation of a simple mesh
    • Basic post-processing methods
    • Recommended training materials

    Course Outline:

    1. Initial settings and launching of scSTREAM modules
    2. Recommended training
    3. scSTREAM interface and program structure
    4. Introductory example: Cell phone
      • Importing geometry data
      • Setting analysis conditions
      • Mesh generation
      • Solver execution
      • Basic post-processing
    5. Contacting the Technical Support team
  • scSTREAM for Electronics 102 An Introduction

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: scSTREAM / HeatDesigner

    The objective of this course is to introduce the scSTREAM novice to intermediate level details of the set-up, execution and analysis of a typical thermo-fluid flow simulation in the electronics field.

    Recommended pre-requisite: scSTREAM for Electronics 101 video

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Creating model geometry using scSTREAM tools
    • Setting parts attributes and material properties
    • Analysis settings for a typical thermo-fluid flow application
    • Intermediate mesh generation topics
    • Monitoring the simulation during execution
    • Standard post-processing methods

    Course Outline:

    1. scSTREAM program structure and operational procedure
    2. Intermediate example: Electronic device
      • Creating model geometry including common electronics components
      • Setting analysis conditions
      • Mesh generation
      • Solver execution and monitoring
      • Intermediate post-processing
    3. Contacting the Technical Support team


  • scSTREAM Introductory Seminar

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: scSTREAM

    The main objectives of this course are to enable attendees to become familiar with the initial set-up and basic operation of scSTREAM. Attendees will also learn about available user resources including training.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Initial set-up and software configuration
    • Software structure and standard files
    • Using the scSTREAM interface
    • Basic operational procedure
    • Generation of a simple mesh
    • Basic post-processing methods
    • Recommended training materials

    Course Outline:

    1. Initial settings and launching of scSTREAM modules
    2. Recommended training
    3. scSTREAM interface and program structure
    4. Introductory example
      • Creating a simple geometry
      • Setting analysis conditions
      • Mesh generation
      • Solver execution
      • Basic post-processing
  • scSTREAM: Scattering of Spray Paint Particles Inside a Naturally Ventilated Building

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: scSTREAM

    This video provides a start-to-finish demonstration of a practical exercise using scSTREAM. The case involves aerosol spray paint which was used to paint indoors without sufficient precaution to the spread of paint particles. If aerosol spray paint is inhaled, it can be hazardous and may cause respiratory problems. A CFD simulation is therefore carried out to analyze the distribution of paint particles inside the building. Advanced topics such as applying User-defined Function (UDF) to consider changes in particle size as the volatile compounds evaporate from the paint particles will be covered in this video.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Basic workflow of Preprocessor, Solver, and Postprocessor
    • I/F Option to import CAD data from ArchiCAD or Revit
    • Setting up UDF for particle tracking function
    • Configuring geometry and computational domain for external wind analysis
    • Methods for speeding up calculation of transient analysis

    Course Outline:

    1. Introduction about Cradle
    2. Geometry Preparation using I/F Option for ArchiCAD
    3. Problem Statement
    4. Operation Demo
      • Preprocessor
      • Solver
      • Postprocessor
    5. Further Study
      • Additional investigation
      • Analyze and compare result
  • SC/Tetra 101 - An Introduction to SC/Tetra

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: SC/Tetra

    The main objectives of this course are to enable attendees to become familiar with the initial setup and basic operations of SC/Tetra. Attendees will also learn about available user resources including training and technical support.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Setting SC/Tetra module options
    • Basic operation of SC/Tetra using a simple example
    • Installation of user data including exercises
    • Training resources
    • Technical support resources

    Course Outline:

    1. Initial settings and launching of SC/Tetra modules
    2. Recommended training
    3. SC/Tetra program structure
    4. Introductory example
      • Geometry setup
      • Setting analysis conditions
      • Basic mesh generation
      • Solver execution and monitoring
      • Basic post-processing
    5. SC/Tetra file formats
    6. Contacting the Technical Support team
  • SC/Tetra 102 - An Introduction to SC/Tetra

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: SC/Tetra

    The main objective of this course is to introduce the novice user of SC/Tetra to intermediate level details of the setup, execution and analysis of a typical thermo-fluid flow simulation. This will in turn familiarize attendees with the common issues that must be considered during a CFD design project.

    Recommended pre-requisite: SCT 101 Video

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Standard operation of SC/Tetra using an intermediate example
    • Import and checking of geometry data
    • Evaluating the validity of a simulation
    • Finding further information and/or acquiring necessary help

    Course Outline:

    1. Detailed program structure of SC/Tetra
    2. SC/Tetra "Kicker" functionality
    3. Geometry setup including import checklist
    4. Setting analysis conditions
    5. Mesh generation and refinement
    6. Solver execution, monitoring and evaluation
    7. Post-processing including animations
    8. Contacting the Technical Support team
  • SC/Tetra: Importing and Cleaning CAD Data

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: SC/Tetra

    This video provides detailed explanations on importing and cleaning CAD geometry data in SC/Tetra. The target audience is novice to advanced SC/Tetra users who import CAD data as part of their CFD modeling workflow.

    The video covers basic and advanced procedures for importing data, detecting and fixing geometry problems, and recommendations and instructions on simplifying geometry data. Several demonstrations are included.

    Cleaning methods are explained for both solid and surface data using standard cleaning functions, low-level manual methods, and the advanced functions in the Modify Solids Toolbox.
    There is also an introduction to data importing and cleaning using CADthru, which is an advanced CAD data translator software from Software Cradle.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Basic workflow and advanced settings for importing CAD data in SC/Tetra
    • Terminology and background of geometry data in SC/Tetra
    • Identifying geometry problems
    • Fixing or simplifying geometry using cleaning functions and manual methods
    • Basic and advanced data wrapping methods in SC/Tetra
    • Importing and cleaning CAD data in CADthru

    Recommended prerequisite: SC/Tetra 101 webinar

    Course Outline:

    1. Introduction
    2. Importing CAD data in SC/Tetra
      • Prime Mode: Basic Workflow
      • Troubleshooting
      • Faceting Accuracy
    3. Surface Data
      • Facets, Edges, Ridges and Surfaces
      • Closed Volumes
    4. Data Cleaning in SC/Tetra
      • Identifying Geometry Problems
      • Fixing Geometry Problems
      • Solid Data
      • Surface Data
    5. Wrapping in SC/Tetra
      • Prime Mode
      • Model Mode
    6. CADthru
      • Importing CAD Data
      • Data Cleaning
  • SC/Tetra: Mesh Generation

    Online Self-Paced Course
    Course Materials, Workshops with Model Files
    Applicable Software: SC/Tetra

    This video provides a detailed explanation of mesh generation techniques in SC/Tetra. The target audience is novice to intermediate users. Generation of an appropriate mesh is a vital stage in obtaining a stable and accurate CFD solution. This video will cover the various functions and strategies that are available to achieve that goal. Several demonstrations of octree refinement and mesh generation are included.

    Attendees will gain knowledge of:

    • Basic procedures and various strategies for mesh generation
    • Octree generation, including manual octree refinement
    • Basic and advanced settings for prism layer insertion
    • Automated mesh generation and refinement

    Recommended prerequisites: SC/Tetra 101 and 102 webinars

    Course Outline:

    1. Octree generation
      • Basic concepts
      • Input by length
      • Input by parameter
      • Automatic arrangement
      • Refinement by region
    2. Manual refinement
      • Rubber box tools
      • Recursive refinement
      • Methods for displaying octants
    3. Mesh generation
      • Basic procedure
      • Improving prism insertion rates
    4. Adaptive mesh refinement
      • Basic concepts
      • Advanced settings